Lou miller - flying

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You, Lou and the rest of the team, where flying to a new destination. Staying in the old place was too much of a risk after the last heist and all that; so Debbie decided it was best to go. Everyone decided to stay together after the previous heist, Debbie thought theres no point in hiring new people when she has a perfectly capable team already.

About to get on the flight, you check your ticket and look at your seat number: 14B. Luckily enough, Lou's seat was 14A, so at least you had her to entertain you for a couple hours. You hated flying, it made you so nervous that you cried almost everytime you had to.

As you were about to put your luggage above you, a strong hand grips your waist and whispers, "here let me get that for." Instantly blushing at the previous action, you step back and watch Lou's strong arms lift up your heavy bag. She looks back down at you and smiles. You thank her and sit down in your seat. After a few more minutes of people shuffling around, everyone gets seated and are ready for the flight. Immediately your anxiety begins to grow, nervous to take off. You breathing gets faster and you start to get hotter. "Hey Y/N, you okay?", Lou places her hand on your upper thigh, trying to calm you down a little. It immediately helps and your breathing is coming back to a normal pace. "Yes, I'm fine. I just get a little nervous on planes thats all," you give a convincing smile and look back out the window.

"It's okay to be nervous. Come cuddle," she offers, moving her arm so she could wrap it around you. You lean into her side, engulfing her musky scent. "Thank you, it means a lot," you say quietly, wrapping your arm around Lou's torso.

After what seemed about 30 minutes, Lou gently woke you up. "Y/N, the food cart is here. Do you want anything to eat?", she asks giving you the cutest smile you've ever seen. "Get me some chocolate please, I'll give you the money when we get to the new place, " you promise. "Theres no need for that, consider it a housewarming present," you laugh and receive the chocolate bar from her.

The next few hours of the flight were bearable sitting next to Lou. Who knew she could be such a comforting person?

It was time for everyone to get off the plane. Just as she was about to stand up, you grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "Thank you for today, I really do appreciate it," you whispered in her ear and placed a light kiss there. You pulled back and grabbed your bag, heading for the exit. Lou was astonished.

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