The Professor - Carol Aird

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Back to school. The worst time of the year. But there was one thing, well person, which made your going back to school experience better: your professor. Ms Aird.

It was early, around 8:00 am. Your first class was at 8:55. Plenty of time to see her. You quickly go to the cafeteria and pay for two coffees and head off to her room. Through the window in her door, you can see her, sitting at her desk, tight grey skirt with a matching shirt. She looked great. Instead of lingering, you knock and hear a faint 'come in' before entering. She notices who it is and a smile is immediately on her face. "I know that class doesn't start until 8:55 but I always get here early. I got you a coffee," you walk up to her desk.

You notice her eyes, following your body, looking you up and down. Trying not to think too much about it, you settle her coffee cup down before holding the holder in the trash. "God, its great to see you!" She excitably says. "Can I give you a hug?" She asks, standing up from her chair. Yes please. "Of course," you open out your arms, waiting for her to embrace you. The height significance with her heels on makes her that much more special. Her hands wrap around your back before she pulls back from the hug and they shimmer to your lower back, dangerously close to your ass. Just a little lower. "Thanks for the coffee sweetheart, I really appreciate it," she leans down to your ear and whispers. She knows exactly what she's doing.

You're in a state of gay panic where she pulls away from the hug and sits back down on her chair. "Sit down, we've got plenty of time," she suggests and points to a chair. You nod and go and fetch the chair. "You can come closer, you know? I don't bite dear," she chuckles deeply. You blush at your stupidness and smile.

Carol and you catch up and soon enough it's 8:53. "Better get to a desk, class starts soon," she orders, placing her glasses on her nose, reading something on her laptop. "Also thank you again for the coffee. You know you're a good girl Y/N," she murmurs lowly. For christ sake, how were you supposed to get through this lesson?

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