The Professer Pt.2

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Throughout the lesson, Ms. Aird kept making eye contact with you even though she was supposed to be focusing on the rest of the class. Everything about her distracted you.

You hadn't even realised that class had ended until everyone else began to pack up. As you were placing your things back into your bag, you saw her make her way over to you, with a note in her hand. She slid it across you desk which caught your attention.

Looking up from your bag and looking up at her, you saw her smile and walk back over to her desk, where she took a sip of the coffee that you bought for her.

Opening you saw, 'meet me here after you finished class x'. Even such a simple note could make you blush profusely.

You place the rest of the things in your bag, and walk towards the door. "See you soon Ms. Aird," you playfully say before leaving. Great, only another 3 hours until you see her again.

Eventually, the rest of your classes were over and it was finally time to see her again. Even though it had been 3 hours, felt so much longer without her. Leaving your previously, you quickly walk through the crowds of people in the hallways until you reach her door.

Peering through the window in the door, you can see she's sitting at her desk, intently reading a book whilst reclining in her chair. She's so attractive even when she not even trying. You carefully opening the door, trying to not startle her and she looks up from her book. "All done?", she questions with a smirk and places her book down. "Yes, all my classes are finished, I'm all yours now,' you approach her desk and place your bag down, placing your hands on her desk and leaning over. "Good. I was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat with me?" She looks up at you and tilts her head, hoping for the answer that she wants to hear. You blush and look at her eyes. Even in the low light of her room, they still shimmer. "Yes Ms Aird, that would be really nice," you reply. "Please, no more Ms Aird. Call me Carol," she stands up from her chair and you blush.

"Of course Carol," you say and she smiles genuinely. "So where would you like to go?"

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