Best Decision - Part 2

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TW: smut, degrading

Throughout the week, all you could think about was that damn doctor. She had filled your head with unspeakable thoughts you've never thoguht before. Just remembering her deep, sensual voice did things to you. Her red lips, always looked so enticing. But then again, why would she notice someone like you?

You decided to go and see her again because your thoughts were getting the best of you.

Walking in through the entrance again, memories of how she looked, rushed back. That excited you. You sat down, like you did last time and waited for your name to be called. Soon enough, it was. As your heart was pounding, you walk through the door. You see her.

This time she is laying down on the sofa, legs loosely crossed. "Come in sweetheart, don't be nervous," she reassures, making your knees tremble in the process. Doing as she said, you walk into the room and sit down at the edge of the sofa. "Lay back," she says, getting a little impatient. But you comply.

"So what brought you back?" She stands up and elegantly sits on the chair opposite you. "Well..." there was no way that you could admit that you came back to possibly see her naked and on top of you. Totally inappropriate. "I keep having the same thoughts," you lie, trying to make it sound as true as possible.

You watch as her hand reaches to her desk to grab a notepad. "And let me guess about these thoughts," she places the notepad down and looks into your eyes. Feeling yourself beginning to tremble, you try to compose yourself as she stands up nears you. "Are these invasive thoughts perhaps about me?" She sits next to you, on the edge of the sofa. "No Dr," you lie, knowing she can see right through them.

"Don't lie sweetheart," she warns, bringing her hand to your face. It ghosts your jaw and moves down to your, now flushed, neck. "I'm not lying," you say unconfidently, starting to squirm on the chair. "So would I be wrong if you only came back to see me? Please tell me if I'm wrong Y/N, but I'm fairly confident," she grows closer to you, this time wrapping her hand around your neck, squeezing it loosely. You knew that she was right, but it was shameful to admit that you wouldn't mind your doctors fingers inside of you.

"No, Dr Ritter," you begin to unravel beneath her. "See, it wasn't that hard was it sweetheart?" She cooes, towering over you, making you sink into the chair. Her words echoing in your mind, sending shivers down your spine. "No Dr," you cut yourself off as she begins kissing down your neck, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment. "Good girl, just lie down and let me take care of you," she whispers in a sultry voice.

Soon enough, she's on top of you, your clothes have been long discarded and shes slowly making her way down your body. Gently placing kisses from your clavicle down to your belly. "Dr, please. I need you," you beg, putting your hands on her head, pushing it down to the place that you need her. "Call me Lilith sweetheart, I want to know what you sound like screaming my name," you could hear the smirk in her voice as her head lowered.

"Oh, look at you. Soaked," her fingers skillfully swiped your underwear off and onto the floor. "Such a dirty girl," she degrades, putting her hands either side of your thighs and spreading them. You voluntarily spread your legs, too excited to wait. "Look at you, waiting for me. I bet you've been thinking about this, haven't you?" Shamefully, you look and down and nod your head. "Such a dirty slut," her hands were now worshipping your stomach, digging into the sides of your hips.

Finally, she drags her hands down from your stomach and inserts a finger into you. Lilith looks up to see your reaction, "please, I need more," you beg. Smirking in response, she brings her attention back down, adding another finger in and begins to thrust gently. This is exactly what you dreamed about, it was finally happening.

Your quiet moans were beginning to build up into louder ones as she thrusts harder and faster. You were on the edge, about to have your orgasm. That's when her fingers curl up and hit your g-spot. Trying to keep your eyes open to look at her, you hear her say, "come sweetheart, come on my fingers." You did just that.

After riding out the feeling, you open your eyes again to see her pulling her fingers out of you, licking them clean. "Put your clothes on darling, the session is over," she sits upright and watches you put on your clothes. "I enjoyed today Dr, see you soon," you made yourself look presentable as you walked out the door.

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