Long days

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"Carol, I'm home!", you shouted out in an exhausted tone. You'd just finished a 10 hour shift at the furniture store. It had been extra busy lately so Abby had requested that you work more hours, which you happily obliged to. You were now regretting said choices. "In here," Carol replies back, in a smooth tone. You followed her voice and she was in the living room. Her legs situated on the foot rest in front of her and she lay beautifully on the sofa. A cigarette in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other. "Come lie down," she beckons you over, taking a drag from her cigarette.

Immediately, your work bag had been abandoned on the floor and your head was laying in her lap as her fingers dragged through your hair. "Tough day?", she whispered. Simply, you nodded. "She got you working hard darling?" You nodded again. "I'II have to have a word, can't have my sweet girl being exhausted can we?" She asked lowly again, her fingers scraping your scalp. causing whines to escape your mouth.

Carol smirked down at you as she could see the effect she was having on you.
"Is there anything that I could do to possibly make your day a little better?" She asked, knowing what the answer will be. "I think you already know Carol." you whispered back and sat up until you were sitting next to her. You leant forward towards her lips and placed a gentle kiss. "No darling. Let me take care of you. You've had a long couple days." she pulls back from the kiss.

"Take me to bed," you murmur into her neck, kissing her pulse point. "As you wish," Carol stands up and kisses your forehead, before leading you to the bedroom. Carol closes the door behind you and begins taking off your clothes.
Piece by piece. Firstly, she removes your skirt and places it over the chair. Soon your shirt has been taking off and ended in the same place as your skirt.

"Please, I need to see you," you whine out, hoping she'll take off her clothes too. Carol looks at you and smiles, not even bothering to reply and begins to undress. "You're beautiful." she sigh and look her up and down. "I've got nothing on you," she replies. "Go lie on the bed," she softly orders

Without question, you follow her instruction and lay down, watching her crawl next to you on the bed. "What is it you want darling?" she purrs, delicately putting her hand on your breast. "I want you to make me feel good. Touch me please," you beg, hoping she'll soon give in. "I am touching you," she replies, placing her other hand on your other breast and leaning down to kiss you. Her lips move against yours languidly, which makes you even needier for her touch. You open your mouth in an attempt to beg, but she cuts you off with her tongue and slides it inside your mouth.

Her actions are quickly driving you more crazy. Carol finally pulls back and looks at you through hooded eyes. "Tell me what you want" she removes her hand from your breast and uses it to stroke your face and lips, where she previously had been. "I need you Carol. I need you to make me feel good, make me cum. Please, I need you so much," you pathetically whine out. "That's it, good girl. Telling me what you need. Wasn't that hard was it?" she cooed before kissing the valley between your breasts and moving down your body.

Your hands grabbed her hair and eagerly pushed her down closer to where you needed her. "It's okay honey, just relax. I'm going to give you what you need," she reassures you before kissing your stomach. The build up was killing you. One hand was in her hair, pushing her down and the other was tightly holding the pillow next to your head, in an act of support.

"Please baby, I can't wait any longer," you whine out. "I'll give you what you want don't worry," she settles between your legs, pulling down your ruined underwear. "Darling, you're soaked. Have you been thinking about me all day at work, huh? Thinking about what I'lI do to you when you got home?" she teased and gave a slow swipe of her tongue through your folds. "God yes." you sighed out, just wanting her to continue. "I bet you did. Thinking about all the ways I could make you c-" you cut her off by pulling her head into you, her tongue immediately getting to work.

"Fuck yes, like that," you moaned and kept your hand secured on the back of her head. Carol was relentless with her licks. Her tongue swiped up and down at an unbelievable pace. "You taste so good, so perfect," she groaned into you and continued working. It didn't take long for your orgasm to begin to build up

"Cum when you need to darling, I'm right here," she gives you permission before you even start to ask for it. You look down at the sight: Carol's hands wrapped around your thighs, making sure you don't move; her eyes shut tight, enjoying where she's at and her nose scrunched up against your clit, adding extra stimulation.

Within a few minutes, you were cumming into her mouth and she was cleaning you up. Carol didn't stop licking until you were practically pushing her away due to overstimulation. "You feeling okay now?" she asked, coming up next to you and wrapping a protective arm around your waist. "Perfect, thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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