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"The right side is for controlling your acceleration and braking, the left is for your gears," Lou explains, placing both her hands on the bike and showing you. You're currently sat infront of her on the bike whilst she sits behind you, her arms resting past your waist. "You got that?" She turns her head to your ear and whispers. "Yes, I think," you reply, slowly getting the concept of how to control the thing.

Learning to ride Lou's bike is something that you'd wanted to do for a while, but you never had the guts to ask her to teach you. "Okay good," she says before stepping off of the bike and standing infront of it. "So if I asked you to use the acceleration, would you know what to do?" She questions, placing her fingers on her lips. Come on, think. "Yes," you say unconfidently before placing your hand on the right grip and pushing it fowards. "Good girl, you remembered," she praises and winks. Good god. If you knew the learning process would be this rewarding, you would've asked sooner.

"So when will I be able to take it out?" You question, getting off the bike and standing beside is. "Easy tiger, you only just learned the basics," she approaches you as carefully leans you up against the side of the bike. "I'll get you lessons, so you can learn properly, how does that sound?" She looks down at you, smiling innocently before placing a kiss on your forehead. "But you could teach me," you mumble and smirk and look down. Her hand lightly grabs your chin and makes you look up into her blue eyes, "honey, if that happened then you wouldn't get anything learned. You'd be distracted." She's right.

"Plus I know that you'll be great on a motorcycle, because you've already had alot of practice riding. Haven't you?" She smirks before letting go of your face and walking away.

This woman.

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