Let me help - Lou Miller

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Lou came trailing in, throwing her helmet on the sofa and sitting down next to it. "Everything okay?" You call through the kitchen, hearing her sigh deeply. "Yeah fine," she calls back, straining her words. You knew something was wrong.

Sweetheart, are you sure everything oka-", you cut yourself off when you saw her. Her arms had been scuffed, the skin red and bloody from where it had been damaged. Her knuckles and palms had the same treatment. Luckily her face seemed to have no damage. You looked down at her leather pants, they'd been scuffed and had small holes in. "What happened?" You ran over to her, instantly worried. "Honey, its really nothing. I fell off my bike is all," she stood up and began to strip, she bent down to pull down her pants. "Here, let me do that for you," you reached down and pulled them off. Luckily there was no damage to her legs.

You stood up and lifted up Lou's shirt, being careful not to touch the sores and noticed that she had another scratch on her hip and stomach. "We need to clean these up," you kissed the side of her head before walking off to get the first aid kid. "Baby I'll just get a shower and clean them off," she suggested but you weren't going to let that happen. You walk back over, "how about I run you a bath and I can help to clean the sores? How's that sound?" "Sounds good to me," she shrugged her shoulders and began walking up the stairs.

Once the bath had been drawn, you helped her in, holding her hand as the hot water reached her burns and she hissed. "You okay?" You softly spoke. "I am now," she looked at you and smiled. Inside, she was really grateful that you'd done all this, but shed never say. "Want to tell me how this happened in the first place?" You reached for the clean washcloth and soaked it in the water. "Well I was going around a tight corner and I turned too quickly. As soon as I knew it, I was on the floor," she replied in pain as you gently dabbed her knuckles, holding her hands in the process. "You really need to be more careful," you warned her. "Yes mom," she laughed.

About a half an hour later, you'd finished thoroughly cleaning her cuts, you got her out of the bloodied water and got her a clean change of clothes. As you handed her a shirt you said, "You need to start wearing your suitable clothes." She rolled her eyes and kissed your head. "I will, I promise."

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