I'm cold - Carol Aird

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"Sweetheart, I'm really cold," Carol whispers to you. The both of you were sitting next to each other on the porch, sharing a cup of tea. "Carol, we have blankets," you tell her. "My body isn't cold, its my hands," she replies back, batting her eyes. "You're holding the tea, its got to be warm on your hands or has it gone cold," you start to smile. "Yes its warm, but not warm enough," she complains, placing the tea down on the table. "Can I use you to warm up?" She asks, moving her hands under the blanket. "Of course babe," you reply.

Carol finds the hem of your sweater, lifting it up to your stomach. "Carol what are y-", you questioned and cut yourself off. "Oh, right," you laugh. Carol places her hands on your breasts, cupping them. Her hands were indeed cold. "Was this just an excuse for you to fondle me," you ask, quirking an eyebrow. "Now why would you think that, I'm not that type of person. My hands were just extremely cold," she innocently replies, still holding onto your boobs. You could feel her hands beginning to warm up. But she didnt let go.

After another 5 minutes of sitting like this, you say to her, "are you emotionally attached to them or something?" "No, but they are nice to hold," she finally takes her hands off and pulls your sweater back down. Carol sits up, pulling you into her side, reaching for the tea again. "Here you have the rest, considering I stole all your warmth," she hands you the cup, fingers touching yours as she gives you it. "Yes I should think so," you laugh and take a sip.

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