Best Decision - Dr. Lilith Ritter

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After a long time of thinking, you decided it was for the best if you went to see a psychologist. You had been stuck with your own thoughts and needed someone to talk to. After doing some research, you found Dr. Lilith Ritter, who had a brilliant reputation. Although you had no idea what she looked like.

The day had come, where you would finally meet her. Walking into the building, nerves were building up inside of you. Something was telling you that you should turn around and not go in. But you ignore the thoughts and wait to get referred. After only a few minutes of waiting, your name was called and you were able to walk in.

As the wooden doors slid open, a woman who was leaning on her desk was there. A black blazer and skirt is what she had on. Her body was leaning on the arm of a chair. "Y/N, nice to meet you," she says, in a deep, sensual voice. "Hello Dr. Ritter, nice to meet you," you walk into the room more. She stands up, her height increasing and towering over you. "Here, let me get your coat," she approaches you. Her hands touch your shoulders, then down your arms and finally taking your coat off. "Please lie down," she suggests and you do just that. The control this woman had over you was embarrassing.

"So, what brings you here?" She questions, hanging up your coat and sits down in her chair next to you. "Well, I have these invasive thoughts, these bad thoughts," you explain. You hear her hum, writing down what you're telling her. After a few more minutes of you explaining and becoming increasingly more nervous, she writes one more thing then says, "yes, I'm glad you came to see me. I can really help you Y/N."

"So you'll need to see me at least 3 times per week, feel free to book another session if needed," she stands up and looks down at you. Her appearance was so perfect you can't even explain her. But them red lips was what were drawing you to her. You were sure she had caught you staring at them already. "Thank you Dr. Ritter, I really appreciate it," you say genuinely, standing up. She hands you your coat, her hand 'accidentally' brushing yours. As you're putting your coat on, she gets way to close to you, that's way more close than professional. "You're extremely beautiful Y/N," she leans into your ear and whispers lowly. Her lips ghost over the skin there.

She pulls back to see you flustered and blushing, exactly her plan. "See you soon," she says lowly again, knowing that you will be back.

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