Party time

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"Lets go out," Daphne blurted. "Uh, sure," 9 ball replied. It was 5pm, still enough time to get ready and go. Everyone got up, went to their rooms and began to get ready.

About half an hour later, everyone was dressed and ready to go out the door. As you're standing by the door, Lou stands beside you, "Looking good Y/N". You blush, looking up at her. The height difference. "Thank you, not so bad yourself," you replied, eyes scanning up and down her body. She wore her signature black waistcoat with her black leather pants and of course a tie and her jewellery. "Taxi is here," Debbie shouted from outside and everyone piled out the door.

Arriving at the club, you stayed right beside Lou. "What do you want to drink?", she places her hand on your lower back, guiding you to the bar. "I'll just have what you're having," you reply, stepping up to take a seat at the bar. "Two glasses of scotch please, with ice," she asks the bartender who nods and goes off to make the drinks. "Scotch huh?" You smirk at her and she nods.

The bartender soon comes back with the drinks and Lou pays him. She takes a sip from her glass, turning the drink around the bar counter. "Take a seat, you're making me nervous," you say to her and she laughs and jumps up. "Look at them over there, what idiots," Lou comments, pointing to the rest of the gang on the dance floor. "I think I'll just stay here with you for now," you smile and take a sip. "Fuck, that's strong Lou," you cough before reluctantly swallowing. "I know something that'll help it go down easier."

Lou leans forward towards you, placing her hand on your neck and directs your head back. She grabs her drink from the counter and carefully pours some into your mouth, some dribbling down your chin, which she quickly wipes off with her thumb. "Now swallow," she says and she feels your throat move, her hand still placed there. Soon enough, she moves her hand to the back of your head and brings your head back down to eye level. Your heart was pounding out your chest at this moment. "Taste any better?" She asks with a smirk and takes another drink from her glass.


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