Walks in the rain - Bernadette Foxx

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One of Bernadette's favourite things to do was to go on walks in the rain. No matter how heavy it is, you will both go out with the umbrella and face the storm.

"Hey Y/N, It's raining. You know what time it is," Bernadette runs in the living room, rushing to put her wellington boots on. You place your book down on the table and rush to put your shoes on with her. Bernadette looks out the window, "God, It's really raining out there. We might need two umbrellas," she laughs and stands up, patiently waiting for you. "I think we'll be okay with just the one," you say without confidence. "Hmm, alright. I think we'll brave it," she picks the umbrella up and expands it. "Lets go!" You excitedly clapped your hands and walked out the door.

Immediately, the rain started belting against the two of you. Bernadette quickly raised the umbrella to protect you from being attacked by the water. "Jesus Bernadette, you were right," you have to shout over the sound of the rain. "Okay lets get under a tree really quickly," Bernadette begins running. "HEY! GET BACK HERE," you yell, as she runs off with the umbrella.

Splashing about, you run after her. You see her, standing under the tree, perfectly dry and smiling cutely. "Just because you're smiling like that doesn't mean I forgive you," you finally reach her. "Lets stay here for a little while," she sits down on the nearby bench, shaking water off the umbrella. You nod, a take a seat next to her.

The two of you just sit, and listen to the rain harshly falling on the ground. It helped relieve stress built up within both of you. As you begin to close your eyes, you feel Bernadette search for your hand. You smile and attach your hand with hers. Her freezing hands connected with yours as she rubbed her thumb against the back of yours. You both share a comforting, warm smile and she continues the movement of her thumb. Bernadette moves closer to you, pulling you into her side. "I love days like these," she whispers and kisses the top of your head.

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