Back seat - Lou Miller

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You and Lou had been driving for hours now, the sun had set and you were the only people on the road. "Baby, how long until we're there?" You ask for the thousandth time. "How many times are you going to ask me that?" She laughs, concentrating on the road. Lou looked hot whilst driving. Her hands having a loose grip on the wheel and the gear stick distracted you from the road. You noticed her jaw moving: gum. You've never been so jealous of an object before. Every once in a while, she'd lean over to place her hand on your thigh. The tight grip from her veiny hand could make anyone wet.

"Honey, I need you," you basically whimper to her. You wouldn't dare to look at her, you knew she'd have a cocky smile plastered across her face. "How long have you been waiting to say that?" She replies, her tone saturated in smugness. You didn't reply, you simply put your hand on her thigh and grabbed it. "What do you think you're doing?" She asks, raising a brow at your antics. "Getting what I want," you replied, your hand reaching further up her leg, dragging across the leather.

Lou begins to slow down the car and pulls over to the side of the road. "Honey, you just couldn't wait until we got to the hotel could you?" She questions before motioning you to climb into the back seat. "I'm so wet for you baby," you whimper out, waiting for her to climb into the back. She eventually sits down and pulls you into her lap, spreading your legs with one hand. "Please Lou," you start grinding on her and wrap your arms around her. She leans forward and kisses your neck, her teeth pulling at the delicate skin. She smiles when she notices dark red flushes appearing.

"Baby, can you do something for me?" She asks, placing her hands on your hips, stopping your thrusting. "Anything," you breathily moan, willing to do anything that she asks of you. She leans fowards and whispers in your ear, "ride my face". You couldn't hold back the moan in your throat. She smirked and pulled you off her lap, beginning to lay down. Whilst she was doing this, you quickly pulled all clothing off your body, getting ready for Lou to take control of it. "Come on then, I can't wait to taste you," she confesses.

You position your legs either side of her head. Looking down, you notice Lou looking at your pussy, licking her lips at the thought of devouring you. "Sit," she orders, and you do. She immediately moans and her eyes close, as if she were in heaven. Her tongue starts working into you, slow but hard licks making you desperate. You look down at her, placing a hand in her hair and tugging at it. She groans, sending vibrations through you and you begin to grind on her face.

Strong hands grip your thighs, making you unable to move from your current placement. "Baby, I'm close," you pant, rocking harder against her now.  Lou pulls away for a moment, "Keep going baby. I know you can do it. Ride me faster," she demands, pulling you back into her. You obey. Looking down once again, you see Lou looking up at you, her nose scrunching up against your clit and her hooded eyes unable to look away from you. "Cum when you're ready," she talks into you before reinserting her tongue.

You cum almost immediately. No surprise. Lou cleans you up before pulling away from your sensitivness. "Did I make it worth your while?" She asks, fixing her ruffled hair. "More than," you pant. There was something about Lou being fully clothed whilst you being totally naked and under her control. "Please tell me there will be round two at the hotel," you ask curiously, hoping for a yes. "Oh baby, you have no idea. I'm going to fuck you so hard, you'll find it hard to walk tomorrow. You'll be begging me to stop," she smirks and climbs back into the front seat.

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