Part 16 Karna

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On the sixteenth day, the Kurawa appointed Adipati Karna as the senopati of the Kurawa's army. The Pandawa still appointed Drestajumena as the head of the Pandawa's army but had not yet determined who was their senopati at that time.

Srikandi was guarding the border with Raden Setyaki and their warriors when Raden Sanjaya arrived. He was the son of Raden Widura, the youngest brother of Prabu Destarastra and Prabu Pandu.

"Mbakyu (sister), I want to join the Pandawa's army," Sanjaya said.

"Joining the Pandawa? But dimas (little brother), you live in Astina. You should have joined the Kurawa."

"The Pandawa is the right one. I want to join the Pandawa, mbakyu. Can you take me to the Pandawa?"

"Yes, fine. But to prove your dharma to the Pandawa, will you fight on the side of the Pandawa today?"

"Of course mbakyu. I'll prove my sincerity." Sanjaya said. He went to the battlefield.

Arriving on the battlefield, Sanjaya met the senopati of the Kurawa, Adipati Karna.

"Sanjaya, what are you doing here?" Karna asked.

"I will fight you, kangmas. I decided to join the Pandawa."

"Whaatt??!! You live, eat and drink in Astina, why are you siding with the Pandawa instead?"

"Even though I live in Astina but I know they are wrong. I will defend the Pandawa."

"You really are insolent. You're a traitor."

Karna attacked Sanjaya. The battle was fierce. However, the young Sanjaya was no match for Karna, the son of the sun god Batara Surya. Not long after, Sanjaya died with Karna's Kyai Jalak dagger stuck in his chest.

Sanjaya's death angered Srikandi. She never thought that Karna could have the heart to kill Sanjaya.

"Brother Adipati Karna, why did you kill Dimas Sanjaya?" Srikandi said furiously.

"He's a traitor. Traitors deserve to die."

"He's just a little kid, how dare you kill him. Fight me," with full speed Srikandi attacked Karna. Karna dodged quickly. As a warrior, son of the Surya (sun) God, he did not want to fight against women. Getting a barrage of attacks he just dodged, not wanting to fight back.

"Srikandi, I don't want to fight women. Call your husband. Tell him to fight me."

"You're so insulting. You think because I'm a woman I don't dare to fight you?"

"Women's place is in bed, not the battlefield," Karna said, mocking her.

"You really underestimated me!"

"Srikandi, I say it again, you go home."

"You think I'm a coward? I'm willing to die. Fight me brother Karna!" Srikandi pulled out her dagger and attacked Karna.

Karna's patience was running out. He jumped up and shot his arrow. As a proficient archer, Karna easily targets Srikandi's kemben (breast cover). He shot the arrow and released the knot of the fabric. The fabric was lost out. The Kurawa immediately cheered seeing Srikandi's losing. Seeing the cover off, Srikandi quickly jumped, roll over, and took the shield lying on the ground to cover her chest. She was immensely ashamed. Luckily Drestajumena was nearby. He immediately took his fabric and gave it to his sister. Srikandi used it right away. 

"Kangmbok, where are you going?" Drestajumena asked seeing his sister running towards Karna.

"I'm gonna kill him!" she said angrily because of the mounting shame.

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