Chapter 10 Part 2

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Again, poor editing and revision lol

sry about late upload too




Chapter 10 Part 2

I gripped onto the front of his shirt, desperately needing him closer to me. His lips felt soft against my own and surprisingly warm. Breathless, we pulled away and simply looked at one another. "Now can you honestly say you felt nothing?" Caden asked me.

"Not yet." Without a moment's delay, I pressed my lips to his again. My mouth opened under his, our tongues entwining. I wrapped my legs around his waist, his hands instantly finding my hips to hold me up. My fingers slid through his hair, digging into it roughly. After knocking a few things down, we made our way to the couch. He pushed down against me, his hands running up under my shirt and resting on my waist. I tugged hard at his hair and felt him moan at the back of this throat.

"Hayley! I'm back!"

"Mom!" I pulled away from Caden so quick that we tumbled into a heap on the ground with me on top. He groaned quietly when my knees came in contact with his stomach. "Sorry!" I whispered to him, then looked up over the back of the couch, craning my neck to see my mom.

She was wearing her regular attire of gray slacks and a black loose blouse. That was so she could wear her doctor coat comfortably. I noticed she had bags under her eyelids. She must not have slept at all. "Hey, honey. Who are you talking to? And why are your lips"

I blushed, rubbing at my lips furiously. Damn Caden and his hard kisses. "Uh, no one. And my lips are red because...I ate a lot of strawberries?"

"Oh. Well make sure you save some strawberries for dinner. I'm making my special Strawberry Delight." She announced proudly.

I smiled at her. "Will do...Shouldn't you get some sleep mom? You haven't been here all night." I suggested, slapping Caden's head when he started fidgeting underneath me, but kept my eyes on my mom.

"I guess you're right." She agreed with a yawn. "Good night, honey. Or maybe good morning?"

I laughed. My mom's so weird. "Alright. Have a good sleep mom."

"Thanks." She grinned at me and started up the stairs.

My smile flipped and I scowled at Caden. "Why do you keep moving around, you idiot? Mom could've-Oof!"

Caden softly shoved me off of him, a grin tugging at his lips. "You were crushing my ribs."

"You should have said something!" I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my hands over my chest, defiantly. We were both on our back on the floor now, facing eachother.

"Hence the reason why I tried to wiggle out from under you!" He retorted.

"Well, too bad." I smirked at him. "It's not like your dead from me crushing your ribs. So it must have not been that bad."

He roughly pulled me closer to him. "I'll show you bad." But just before he touched my lips, my mom came climbing back down the stairs.


Again? I groaned quietly and stood up to face my mom. "Yeah?"

"Oh, there you are. Wait, what are you still doing on the floor?"

"Um...the floor's very comfortable."

"Oh...kay?" My mom shook her head. "Anyways, your father wanted me to tell you he'll be coming back in a few hours. And that he wants to take you out later on."

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