Chapter 14

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And finally! What you've all been waiting for...the next chapter of Fallen! Woot!

Hope you guys like it. Pretty sucky. But...ya.


Hayley’s POV

On the way to bed, I decided to take a peek at Kent to see if he was okay. And he was. Thank god. It was just weird how he didn’t at all remember Astarte when she had made out with him just moments before. What else was weird was when I burned her. How did I even do that? It’s not like I was even thinking about hurting her. I was only thinking about getting her away from Kent.

I leaned against the door pane. Looking over at his body sprawled on the bed. He looked peaceful asleep which I’m sure all angels usually look like. I didn’t even know angels could sleep.  

With a sigh, I turned away towards the hallway, back to the guest room. I’m glad Kandice had let me stay overnight, especially after I told her about what happened with Astarte. Even though Jasper tried to kick me out. And I also appreciate the shirt Kent had offered me to wear as pajamas. It was long, almost to my knees, which I’m extremely thankful for.

Once I made it into my room and I moved to shut the door, it suddenly closed by itself revealing a shadowy figure behind it. When I realized who it was, I glared at him.

“Get out. Now.”


“Who do you even think you are, Caden?” I snarled at him. “You think you can just waltz into my life just as easy as you walk out of it? Is that it?”

Caden raised his hands in exasperation. “Listen! This isn’t about you and me, Hayley. This is about me keeping you safe. And to do that, you need to leave.”

“And why should I listen to you?”

He ran a hand through his hair in apparent irritation. “Astarte. Does that mean anything to you?”

“The woman that had come by the house today.” I said. “How do you know about her?”

“It doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that she wants you dead now, Hayley.” He explained, taking a step closer to me. “She’s a demon. A very rare and a very old demon. She’s never been hurt the way you hurt her today and she’s pissed.”

I narrowed my eyes, trying to understand what he meant. She’s a demon? And she’s angry that I hurt her? Wait…Does he mean when I burned her? But that was just accident! “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

“I know that, but clearly she doesn’t.” Caden stretched out a hand towards me. “Now, just come with me so I can get you out before she comes.”

“Wait, she’s coming now?!” I exclaimed. “I can’t go. What if she hurts the other while trying to find me if I leave now? I can’t live with that.”

“It doesn’t matter. I only want you safe.” Caden told me, dropping his hand to his sides.

I bit my lip and stared at him. He really does care about what happens to me. “Why do you care so much?”

“I always cared about you, Hayley.” He sighed, seeming worn out for some reason.

“But why?” I pressed, feeling angry all of the sudden while the memories of him leaving came back to me full force. “Just because we made out or something? Because if that’s it, you might as well let me die.”

“How could you even think that? Of course that’s not the reason.”

“Then what? What Caden? What could be the fucking reason?” I protested.

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