Chapter 1

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New story you guys! It's called Fallen---and I'm sure yall saw the title already...

well ya. I know its surprising but the idea just came to me last night haha

kk enjoy



Caden's POV

"Egan, don't-"

"Don't what, Caden? You and I both know this is the next best thing." Egan stepped away from the edge and approached me. The gold armor he had on glistened under the sun's rays. His white wings folded behind his back as he poked his head in my face, his long black hair falling behind him. His black eyes were hard. "What is the point of serving Him? All we do is watch over those vermin. We are the superior. They should be kissing our feet. We should be ruling them!"

The crowd mumbled in agreement. I stared incredulously at all of them. These men and women who I watch do His biddings happily, with no questions asked. They are supposed to love him! Not do something reckless as rebelling! I will not have this.

"I am the general in charge and I am telling all of you to stop this foolishness." I gazed at every single one of them, begging and commanding them to disregard everything Egan had said. "Do you not love Him anymore? He who created all of us. He who took care of us!"

A good majority of the crowd began to hum 'yes' and 'of course'. Even though they thought for a second that what Egan was saying was right, they still love Him.

"Yes, love Him. But is he worth our love-"

Egan was cut off when Kent jumped at him, his sword in hand. Aiming straight for Egan. Egan quickly moved away before the blow could hit him. "He's worth everything!" Kent spat at him, sword ready for another blow.

Kent was one of the youngest of us. He was only seventeen, but had the heart and will of a great warrior. Which is why he was second in command. But he was young and really naïve. Always reacting with what he feels is right.

I set a firm hand on Kent's shoulder, reassuring him. He glanced back at me and nodded, stepping back with the crowd. Once I took a look at the rest of the crowd, I smiled. It looked like Kent's act of bravery has moved them. "Why are you so difficult, Egan? It seems everyone here has already made their decision."

Egan sighed and stepped over to the edge again. The edge of Heaven. He looked down with a smile. "I guess I'll have to do this alone."

I took a step forward, already knowing what he was going to do. But I was too late. He jumped without a moment's notice. "No!" I growled, my black wings curled in behind me in anguish. I just let loose a monster to the Human World. I can't let him hurt them.

I turned around towards the crowd. Kent stepped out with four others. Leonel, Jasper, Kandice, and Peter. They were all the highest in command of the army. Swords in hand, they stepped up to me.  I glanced at Kent who only nodded towards the edge, his gaze hard.

Then we jumped over the edge.

It was a long fall to the ground. Our wings barely broke our fall after we fell. For some reason, it didn't work well in the Human World.

I got off my knees and turned to the others. "You understand what we just did, did you not?" I asked them.

Kandice was the one who spoke up. She had long, red hair that reached her shoulders. Her green eyes looked at me, showing nothing but happiness. "We fell."

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