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"she deserves a funeral! she is your daughter!" mike shouts, hands tangled into his own hair in stress, "nancy was your daughter! she deserves a last goodbye!"

karen walks up to him, "she killed herself, she deserves nothing."

"what's wrong with you!?" he raises his hand in anger, the anger consuming him taking over almost making him slap her across the face.

but ted grasps his hand before he could. his grip so tight that mike could feel it bruise, "your sister was weak. she doesn't deserve anything at all."

"yes she does!" mike's voice cracks and pulls back with a quiet sob, "she deserves everything after everything you have done to her! she deserves everything!" he shouts before rushing out of the house.

"mike!" holly shouts after him as he ignores her.

"mike!" she calls again and grabs his arm put he pulls back, "don't fucking touch me!" he screams, "don't touch me, don't talk to me. all of you don't fucking bother calling me. i will arrange something for her myself, a funeral, whatever the fuck, me burning her to ashes, i don't care! and she won't if you guys don't show up anyways!" he snarls and exits the large house.

he walks down the driveway, tears streaming down his face as he releases quiet sobs.

"it's okay, nancy." he whispers as if she could hear, "it will be okay." he cries quietly and shuts his eyes.

he takes out his phone and quickly dials el's number, "hey can you go to the bridge?" he sniffles.

"i'm already there." she whispers as he chuckles quietly, "i'm around the corner." he breathes out before hanging up.

he walks slow but still he made it there quickly.

he sees el sitting on the concrete ledge and her legs were swaying as she stares down at her lap.

he joins her and she quickly leans down on his shoulder.

"how do i arrange a mini funeral?" he whispers as his voice cracks.

"ashes or burying the body?" she asks quietly breathlessly.

"ashes. i want to keep her myself." he says.

"just... after you get her ashes just arrange a goodbye. you could make her a stone to visit occasionally." she tells him as he nods, "you'll go right? my parents won't so it'll only be me since holly wouldn't be allowed to."

she doesn't even ask about the mention of his other sister and instead nods, "i'll go."

"your turn. what's wrong?" he asks as she shrugs, "nothing, i just... i hate it here. and i guess you probably have it worse than me—"

"no." he cuts her off, "we're equal. no one has it worse."

"i'm just really tired. mental abuse hurts more than the psychical." she admits and wipes the corner of her eyes, "i don't want to do it anymore."

"me too." he cries, "i don't want to do it anymore."

she sucks in a harsh breath as she sniffles.

"i'll go with you." he says.

she looks up at him, "what?"

"let's run away, el. i can't do it. i cant." he shakes his head, "after the project, my sister, we're going."

she smiles sadly, "let's escape."

"let's escape." he repeats with a nod.


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