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her hands were shaking drastically and obviously and using her other hand to hold it down still wasn't working.

she picks up her phone, it shaking in her hand as she dials his number.

"mike," she whispers into the phone as he hums, "yeah? i'm about to head back to yours."

"h-how—" she takes a deep breath because not just was her hand shaking but her voice was too. "how do i make my hands stop s-shaking?" she whispers as she feels her vision blur a bit, "and i think i'm fainting."

"el, fuck," he breathes out, "what did you take?" with his voice laced with concern, he sped up his way to her dorm.

"i-i— i didn't take much, i swear. t-they were—" she hiccups and sucks in a breath, "it was just a few."

"okay, wait for me and don't move. i bought some food for you," he says as she shudders, "okay. i— my hand won't stop shaking."

"take a few deep breaths and control your breathing." he tells her, "it'll calm you down."

she listens and takes a few deep breaths, "it's not working, mike—" she panics and holds her chest, "it's not—" she wheezes as he assures her quietly, "shh shh, breathe in and hold then breathe out."

she listens again and tries to do it, "it's not really working. where are you?"

"i'm almost there.." he says and explains his position but she had already zoned out and was staring at the open door of the bathroom and stares at the bathtub.

"el?" he asks as she whispers out, "yeah, i'm here." she turns her attention back to the bedsheet below her and pricks on it.

"i'm getting in the lift, baby, just hang on," he whispers, "i'm losing connection but i'll be there in a few minutes."

"okay," she murmurs just as the line cuts and disconnects.

the phone slips out of her hand and drops on her bed and she turns head to stare at the empty bathroom once more.

her head moves and she stares out at the painkillers on her nightstand.

she shakes her head and tries to shake the thoughts away.

soon, she hears the door open and close then she sees mike walk into her room.

she shows him her shaking hands and he sets down his bag before walking towards her.

he sits down on the edge of the bed and grabs both of her hands. "in and out, love." he tightens his grip on her hands to stop it from shaking.

"i'm trying." she whispers and takes a few deep breaths, "it's just not working."

"it's okay, el, just focus." he whispers and kisses her cheek as she nods.

"close your eyes and focus on your breathing," he murmurs and caresses the back of her hand.

she does so and slowly, she starts to feel her hand steady down and not shake as much any more.

"good, that's good." he leans his forehead down on hers, "you're okay, baby, you're okay," he whispers and caresses her cheek.

"i'm okay," she mutters quietly as he smiles and pecks his lips, "it's boxing day—"

"i hate boxing day." she grumbles.

"yes yes, we both do. i was going to suggest something fun like making gingerbread houses or something." he says as she shakes her head, "i hate gingerbread houses. my last one got smashed."

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