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"mike..." el whispers, "are you sure this is the headstone you bought?" she asks as she stares out in front of her.

nancy wheeler. rest in piece.

"it says rest in piece. not rest in peace." she says as he holds back a laugh, "it's kinda funny."

"no, we need to get this fixed, mike." she says as he nods, "you're right, but i got no money."

"oh trust me, you won't be spending any and instead you'll get your money back." she drags him off, "rest in piece. the hell?" she shakes her head as he chuckles, "my sister would've laughed."

"yeah?" she asks as he nods.

"then do you want it changed?" she asks as he shrugs, "i guess not."

she smiles at him, "then we'll let it stick." she gives him a quick kiss, "let's go get some food."

"actually, i have some work to do. stupid english homework." he grumbles, "you could come over though, i don't mind."

she nods, "sure alright. i want to see your dorm anyways." she flashes him a smile as he nods, "it's nothing special, i share a dorm with someone though i have my own my room."

"oh who?" she asks.

"lucas. you might not—"

"sinclair? isn't he on the football team?" she asks as he nods, "yeah, he is." he answers.

"he seems alright." she says, "he wouldn't mind me coming over right?"

he laughs, "no, he always asks why i don't have anyone over actually. he thinks i'm too scared to when i just don't have friends."

"aww so sad!" she teases as he rolls his eyes, "i don't need friends. i don't need anyone."

"what about me?" she pouts in a sarcastic manner as he playfully shoves her away, "shut up."

she laughs and moves back to him, "i'm kidding! gosh, you're sensitive."

"sensitive!?" he exclaims, "i'm in no way sensitive!"

she chuckles and sways their connected hands, "okay, you're not." she says then mutters under her breath, "sensitive ass."

he shoves her away playfully and heads off himself.

"i was joking!" she jogs after him due to his long legs, "wait up, you ass!"

turning his head back, he stops walking and grins, "c'mon," he holds his arm out and she runs into it and smiles, "let's go home."


"wrong, wrong, wrong again, wrong." el says muffled as she snacks on some chocolate crackers and looks at mike's work.

"and what do you know about this shit?" he asks as she shrugs, "nothing but i assume it's all wrong."

he snorts and shoves her head making her fall back, "ow!" she glares at him when she hits her head but he only laughs, "idiot."

"i'm getting a drink," she gets up from the bed, "want anything, mister?"

"get me an ice coffee, please." he smiles at her as she nods, "okay sure." she pats his head and fluffs his curls before exiting the room.

strolling to the kitchen, she stands on her tippy toes to reach the top cabinet to grab the cups since these two boys put everything up there and then she grabs the coffee pot.

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