Chapter 2

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Piccolo waited. After a few minutes, he heard footsteps. The woman seemed unsteady on her feet. The steps were irregular, one foot dragged a little. He turned around when the footsteps stopped.

The woman was standing at the mouth of the cave. She was holding onto the rock with her right hand, her left arm hanging down. She had her left leg slightly raised, as if it pained her to put it up. She was wearing tight-fitting dark trousers and a long-sleeved shirt of the same colour. Due to the cuts and abrasions on her legs and arms, her clothes were torn and bloody in several places. Over her upper body she wore a kind of breastplate. Her hands were in white gloves. She looked at Piccolo with wide eyes. Not frightened, as he was used to from the earthlings, but questioning.

"Where am I?" Piccolo wondered why her voice sounded so calm.

He replied, "In a cave, by a waterfall, in a forest." The woman accepted this information with a nod and followed up with the next question. "How did I get here?"

Her memory was possibly damaged, Piccolo thought. "Your flight pod crashed here. It almost set the whole forest on fire." The woman now looked dismayed. As if she was sorry she had caused a fire. She let her eyes wander over the trees behind Piccolo, as if looking for the flight pod.

"Where did I come from?"

This line of questioning was annoying. "Am I the information?" the green one replied gruffly.

Startled, the woman now looked at Piccolo again. "E-E-Excuse me," she stammered and slid to the ground against the rocky wall. She could no longer keep herself on her feet. "Can I have some water, please?" Reluctantly, Piccolo stood up, materialised a cup of water in his hand on his way to her and handed it to her. Greedily, she drank the cup dry. Gratefully nodding to him, she drew her knees to her body, placed her arms on them and rested her head on them. Her long black hair was braided into a thick plait that hung forward over her left shoulder. A few strands had come loose from it.

Piccolo settled back on the ground some distance from her and regarded her. "Can't you remember where you came from?" His curiosity won out. He heard only a faint shake of the head. "Your flight pod crashed here in the forest last night and burst into flames. I pulled you out and brought you to the cave."

She raised her head after the explanation. She looked at him and smiled briefly. "Thank you." Piccolo shrugged his shoulders. Human conversation was foreign to him. A silence spread over the two of them.

After a while she spoke up again: "What is your name?" He told her his name. Since she showed no signs of recognition, she was probably not from this planet, otherwise his name would terrify her. Or had she just forgotten? "What is your name?" The question had left his lips before he could think about it further.

"I ..." She faltered. Her eyes darted around searchingly. The expression on her face changed to panic. "I can't remember!" Breathing heavily, tears welled up in her eyes, she reached into her hair and rocked her upper body back and forth. She muttered to herself. "Who am I? Why can't I remember? Where am I from?"

Piccolo was visibly irritated by this situation. "Hey," he shouted at her. She paused. "There's no point in getting into it now," he said. "Maybe you'll sleep a little more and then everything will be fine." She nodded slowly, then braced herself against the wall and walked carefully back into the cave. Piccolo followed her at some distance and watched her drop down onto the straw bed. He was about to turn around again and leave the cave when she addressed the word to him once more: "Can I have some more water, please?" He granted her this wish. After she had emptied the cup, he filled it again with water and placed it beside her. She was breathing calmly and had closed her eyes. Without thinking further, he took one of the blankets and laid it over her slender body.

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