Chapter 50

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Another month passed with intensive training until Vegeta decided they could fly off. Kera had longed for this day so much, packed the most necessary things and said goodbye to her family extensively the following morning. She met Vegeta again at the spaceship in the Briefs' garden. Bulma was saying goodbye to Vegeta.

As she passed by, Bulma turned to Kera. "Kera, do you remember my request?"

Kera thought for a moment. "The DNA sample?"

Bulma nodded. She lowered her voice as she continued. "I didn't want to bug you about it again during your pregnancy and when they were so little." She cleared her throat. "And maybe if you could still convince Vegeta ..."

Kera smiled. "As good as done."

It didn't take Kera long to convince Vegeta to give a DNA sample as well. Probably the upcoming flight into space was his motivation to comply with her request as soon as possible.

Then they set off. Earth disappeared from their sight at breakneck speed.

"So, where are we going first?" asked Kera.

"To a planet where I've heard the inhabitants talking about a Saiyan." He checked the coordinates in the system and then turned to Kera. "In the meantime, we can train." He grinned.

The spaceship looked a lot like the one she had flown to Namek in with Kakarrot. Vegeta increased the gravity.

The days passed without anything special happening. When they arrived at the planet Vegeta had mentioned, they began to question the inhabitants. However, they seemed intimidated by Vegeta and retreated to their huts. Kera took over the questioning and sent Vegeta back several yards. He definitely needed to practise his negotiating skills, she thought.

Thanks to her outspoken nature, Kera learned a name. The inhabitants told her that a Saiyan had lived with them some years ago, but had moved on in the meantime. He had given the name of a planet. Whether he wanted to stay there, however, they did not know. Kera thanked them and they left for the next planet.

They used the flight time again for intensive training. When they had already trained for a few hours at a time, they simultaneously fired energy balls that met in the air and exploded. Kera and Vegeta were knocked off their feet and lay dazed on the ground.

Kera was the first to recover. "Wow, that was a bit intense."

She looked to Vegeta and ran to him in horror. He didn't seem to have moved yet. She shook him in a panic and was greatly relieved when he opened his eyes.

"Too small a space, too much energy," he said quietly.

Kera sighed. "True. Time for a break."

Vegeta smiled and looked at her briefly, then pulled her down to him and kissed her. Totally caught off guard, she let it go for a moment and then broke away. She took a few steps back, not knowing what to say. She tasted his lips on hers and longed to feel them again. She knew those thoughts were wrong. Vegeta sat up, shaking his head. He seemed to have been surprised himself by his action. He mumbled an apology and went to his chamber.

After a few hours sleep and a hearty meal, they continued their training. Kera found it difficult to concentrate. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Vegeta very close in front of her. His lips slightly parted. And inside her the urge to get closer to him grew. To run her fingers through his hair, to feel his muscular body close to hers.

"Where are you with your thoughts, Kera?" A blow sent her reeling. Vegeta had not struck with all his might, but already in such a way that she felt a distinct pain on her upper arm. She hadn't blocked soon enough and cursed inwardly. What had she just been thinking about?

I am Kera, a Saiyan Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now