Chapter 102

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Kera was about to jump down to Kakarrot and Chi-Chi, when she saw that Kakarrot had already righted himself under his own power. He exchanged a few more words with Frost, who was grinning at him from the fighting ring, then he took Chi-Chi in his arms and floated up to the spectator platform.

"You must be careful!" Urgently, Kera looked at her mate.

Piccolo nodded. "I know. Frost didn't fight fair, I'm sure of it, but we can't prove it."

"For the Seventh Universe, Piccolo now steps into the ring," the referee announced, waving up to them.

"Finish this guy," Kera whispered, pressing a fleeting kiss to his lips.

"Good luck, Piccolo," said Kakarrot, suddenly standing beside them.

"Do I stand a chance?"

Kakarrot's features darkened. "No," he replied grimly.

"I can see diplomacy is not your strong point."

After one last kiss, Piccolo leapt down and landed opposite Frost in the fighting ring.

Kakarrot stood at Kera's right side and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"What happened there?" asked Kera without looking at her half-brother.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. I suddenly felt so dizzy. I couldn't see properly and then suddenly I was down."

"We have to pay very close attention now," Vegeta summed up the situation. "Frost seems to be using some devious trick. We just have to figure out which one." He fixed the warrior from the Sixth Universe, who didn't waste any time after being cleared by the referee and immediately charged at Piccolo.

Piccolo didn't let Frost get close enough for him to touch him, but seemingly disappeared to reappear hovering several yards above the ring. He put his index and middle fingers to his forehead.

"Is he doing his Special Beam Cannon?" asked Kakarrot, moving slightly beside Kera.

She nodded. She could hardly speak, so intently did she follow Frost's movements so as not to miss anything. What trick had he used on Kakarrot? Would he go so far as to try it again on Piccolo?

Frost, who seemed to have realised that he was not going to get any closer to Piccolo, fired several energy balls in rapid succession, which Piccolo dodged as he continued to concentrate his hell spiral.

Suddenly a hot pain shot through her right leg and she momentarily lost her footing. Vegeta supported her and looked at her questioningly.

She was about to say something back when Kakarrot tapped her on the shoulder. "Piccolo got it in the leg," he said, pointing at her companion. Indeed. One of the blaster bullets had hit Piccolo's right leg. His trouser leg had a hole the size of a fist and underneath Kera saw blood running down his leg.

He must have been so concentrated on dodging and attacking that he hadn't completely blocked the tunnel to her. Questioningly, he looked over at her and she smiled at him to assure him that she was all right.

But the moment of inattention punished him immediately. Another blaster bullet hit him in the chest. Kera cried out, this time in surprise, and could only watch helplessly as Piccolo slammed to the floor of the ring.

"Get up, man!" growled Vegeta.

Piccolo didn't seem to be badly hurt, for he promptly jumped back up. His right arm shot forward, stretched, grew longer and longer, and finally grabbed Frost around the neck. Piccolo's hand squeezed.

I am Kera, a Saiyan Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now