Chapter 65

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The room was no different from the previous one where Kera had just defeated Pui Pui. What kind of creature would be waiting for them here?

He looked at Kera. She looked so grim. As if she was electrified all the time. He tried to imagine what it would be like if Bulma had been petrified. Would he be so hell-bent on revenge then? Probably he would. Kera had a much deeper bond with Piccolo than he had with Bulma. If the Supreme Kai had done nothing, she might have died. He didn't want to imagine that.

Then he looked at Kakarrot. He looked annoyed and was complaining about the wait. Vegeta was annoyed that they hadn't been able to fight each other yet. They only had this one chance to find out who was the strongest of the three. Kakarrot had beaten him once and outdone him again and again. Now it was the Saiyan prince's turn.

The door opened. A large being entered the room. All in green, it held itself up on two powerful legs. Its arms ended in thick pointed claws. On its back were several black thorns. A long tail whipped behind it. With its mouth wide open, it stared at them. Saliva dripped down from its sharp teeth.

"Bah, what's that?" Kakarrot was disgusted.

"Welcome Yakon, the beast," it bawled from the speakers.

The Supreme Kai gasped. He seemed to know the beast, or at least to have heard of him. Vegeta didn't care and stepped forward.

"You'll have to deal with me now!"

"Hey, I thought it was my turn," Kakarrot said, offended.

"You're last, Kakarrot," Kera called out to him.

" Hmph!" Kakarott retreated to the wall of the room. Kera, Gohan and the Supreme Kai followed him, careful not to get in Vegeta's way.

Good, then he could finally get going. He made a leap forward and gave the beast a good hook to the chin. It tried to dodge, but he hit. Nevertheless, he felt a short sting on his arm and jumped back. His suit was torn at the upper right arm and a red stripe showed on his skin. He cursed. The suit had been new.

Furious, he fixed the beast and took a step forward. Suddenly it went dark, pitch black. Vegeta couldn't even see his hands, let alone the others or his opponent. But he could sense it. This critter wasn't smart enough to suppress his aura. With ease, he gave the creature a few punches and kicks. It tried to dodge, for it could obviously see in the darkness.

Vegeta landed again. This was taking too long for him. Angrily, he looked up. "Different way then."

With a cry, he transformed into a Super Saiyan. Immediately he lit up the surroundings and saw the hell beast in front of him again. With satisfaction, he saw that the creature had already taken some bruises.

He felt a suction. Yakon had started to suck in the air. Confused, Vegeta looked to the others. Kera looked equally surprised. In the next instant, his glimmer of light was gone.

"Vegeta, Yakon feeds on light and energy!" the Supreme Kai shouted to him. "You shouldn't transform anymore."

"I see." Against the Supreme Kai's advice, Vegeta transformed back into a Super Saiyan.

"Wait. He knows what he's doing."

Inwardly, Vegeta thanked Kera for that. She trusted him.

I am Kera, a Saiyan Warrior PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now