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A/N: So the context for this is that the reader's parents left and this is just some comfort for that, since an anon on tumblr asked for some.

You were in your dorm room, looking at some old pictures of your parents. Sometimes you wanted to get rid of those pictures, but you could never bring yourself to do so. It's not like getting rid of the photos would get rid of the memories.

You hadn't been to class that day and even though you seemed to be out with permission from Mr. Aizawa, it didn't stop Midoriya from worrying. So when the last class of the day let out, he hurried to knock on your dorm room door.

"(Name)? Are you okay?" he asked as he knocked.

You went to open the door, but decided not to.

"I'm just not feeling well..." you said through the door.

"Oh... Do you wanna talk about it, or do you want me to leave you alone?"

You weighed your options for a moment, and decided you would talk with him. You knew his father had left when he was younger too, so maybe he would understand. You opened the door and stepped aside to let Izuku into your room. The two of you sat on the edge of your bed and Izuku grabbed your hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"What's bothering you?" he asked.

"It's just... the anniversary of my mom leaving is today, and the anniversary of my dad leaving is coming up, and I have no freaking clue what to do with that"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" he said.

Midoriya wasn't going to push you to talk about your parents. He knew how hard it was when someone left like that. His father had left too and he knew the emotions that anniversaries could bring to the surface.

"I don't really know what to do, Izuku. I feel like a lost cause..." you sighed.

"It's hard when you lose people... "lose" might not even really be the right word in this case. When someone, especially when it's a parent, just leaves you like that, it makes you think. It makes you wonder if it was your fault and if you could've done something differently to stop it. It makes you wonder why you weren't enough for them to stay around..."

"Yeah, I know the feeling" you sniffled.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset" Midoriya said frantically. "It's just what I felt like when my dad left"

"Don't worry about it, you didn't make me upset, it's just... I've never had a chance to talk to anyone who knows how it feels" you said and wiped your eyes with your sleeve.

Midoriya wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you leaned to his side as he kept talking.

"I-I just want you to know that it's not your fault. You're enough, you always have been and you always will, and I love you, (Name)"

"Thank you, Izuku" you sniffled, took his hand to yours and gave the top of his palm a kiss.

Midoriya IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now