A/N: A tumblr request about Deku finding out about his new-ish s/o is self harming and some comfort about how he reacts and such
You'd been very careful about not telling anyone about your issues with self harm, especially ever since some asshole outed you about it in high school and basically made everyone think you were some sort of monster and unsafe to be around.
You hadn't dated much either between then and now, because you were absolutely terrified that your scars and occasional new cuts would make your potential partner think you were a freak or something.
Izuku was different from anyone before him though. Even though he didn't know about your issues with self harm, you weren't terrified of him finding out. Scared? Sure, but it wasn't the same panic inducing terror that you'd usually felt about the subject when you got close with someone.
Izuku was supposed to come over in a few hours, and even though he had been over to your place multiple times before, you couldn't help but be a bit nervous. You'd told him you'd cook dinner, and while he had been very excited about trying your cooking, you sort of regretted promising such a thing the moment the words left your lips.
"What was I thinking?" you muttered.
You knew a few good recipes, which you made for yourself all the time, but you felt like you wanted to make something special. You considered just going back on your word and ordering some take-out, but when you remembered how excited Izuku had been to try your cooking, you decided to pull yourself together.
"Damn it (Name)" you said and smacked both your hands on your cheeks to shake off the self doubt.
An hour passed, then another and soon it was only an hour left before Izuku was supposed to arrive. You had been sitting on the couch, scrolling through the web for something you could make as the minutes ticked by and the deadline drew closer.
"Oh. My. Fucking. God!" you yelled.
You couldn't come up with anything, and now you didn't even have time to run to the store and get the food done before Izuku would come over.
"Take-out it is then" you sighed and slumped deeper into the couch.
You decided to go take a quick shower and change out from your home clothes to something a bit nicer, but still comfortable.
When the doorbell rang, you were just about ready, you just pulled on your socks and went to open the door.
"Hi" you greeted with a smile.
"Hey (Name)" Izuku said with a shy smile, pulling out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and handing them to you.
"Thank you so much" you said softly. "Come on in, it's pretty chilly outside" you added, stepping further into the apartment.
Izuku stepped in and closed the door behind himself. He took off his scarf, jacket and shoes, and put them aside, walking into the living room after you.
"I'm gonna put these in water" you said and motioned towards the kitchen with the flowers.
Izuku sat down on the couch timidly and sighed. He had been so nervous about tonight. What if you didn't like the flowers he got you? What if he messed up somehow? He was pretty much always worried about messing something up so that wasn't really anything new, but he was still nervous.
Izuku happened to glance in your direction while you were putting the flowers in water. You had rolled up your sleeves and when you turned your arm, he could see some scars on your arm and wrist. Most were older and lighter, but there were some recent cuts in the mix as well. He quickly turned his head away, hoping you didn't notice him staring.
Izuku knew well what those scars meant, and he could feel the pit of worry in his stomach grow. You sat down next to him on the couch, which pulled him back into reality.
"So... I think it's gonna be take-out today, because I couldn't come up with anything special to make" you sighed.
"Oh, it wouldn't have needed to be anything special, I'd be happy to eat whatever you make" Izuku assured.
"Next time?" you suggested.
"Sure" Izuku nodded with a sad smile.
"Everything okay? Something seems a bit off about you" you stated.
"No, no, I'm fine" Izuku said, shaking his head furiously.
"Oh, good then"
He knew he wasn't supposed to pry into things like this, but he was worried about you and just couldn't help himself.
He took a deep breath and asked: "When you were putting the flowers in the vase, I noticed your arms, and..." he trailed off.
"Oh" you said, surprised about his reaction.
He didn't seem grossed out or anything even close to that. He just seemed worried, genuinely worried.
"Sorry, I probably shouldn't have said anything. I didn't want to pry, but I just want you to know I'm here to help if you need it" Izuku said and grabbed your hand, squeezing it comfortingly.
"No, it's fine. It's just that usually people think I'm some sort of freak when they see my cuts and I was surprised by your reaction. People aren't usually worried, they're just grossed out" you said with your voice wavering a little.
"Well then those people are idiots" Izuku huffed, sounding surprisingly pissed off, which made you chuckle.
"What?" he asked, with a baffled look on his face.
"It's just that no one has ever reacted like this. You're so genuine and you're actually worried about me"
"Of course I am. You're dear to me and I don't want you to feel like you ever need to do this" he said with determination, trailing his fingers over your wrist on top of your sleeve.
You couldn't help but tear up, but you were still smiling at him.
"Did-did I say something wrong?" Izuku asked frantically.
"No, you said just the right thing" you sniffled and squeezed his hand.
"And I do mean it, you are dear to me and I want you to be happy"
"Thank you, Izuku. You're so dear to me too" you said and threw your arms around him, burying your face to his shoulder.
Izuku just embraced you tightly and held you in his arms. He just wanted to keep you safe, he wanted to make sure you were happy. He would do anything for you.

Midoriya Izuku
FanfictionX reader one shot stuff from my tumblr herofics. Check out my other books too! If you want to read more of my stuff go check out my tumblr "herofics". You can find a lot of HCs there and stuff for characters I don't post for here in wattpad!