They are friends I guess
"[Name], I'm a bit early, hope you don't mind."
You had a movie night with Izuku at your place, and you had just come out of the shower. He wasn't supposed to be here yet.
"I'm coming in."
"No Izuku I just-", you stammered, waving your hand in front of you.
You were a bit too late. Izuku was standing on the doorway and you were holding the tower around you. You flashed him an awkward smile, and he turned red.
"I didn't-I wasn't-Sorry-I'll go.", he stuttered. The red on his face growing brighter.
He took a last glance at you and noticed something. He froze, his hand on the door handle, just staring at you. Your thighs and wrists were covered in little scars. They weren't very visible, but there was no denying they were there.
"Earth to Izuku. What's wrong? Hey?", you asked, after he stopped moving suddenly.
He didn't answer, and he didn't move. He was just staring. What was wrong with him? Then it hit you, you looked down and realized your towel had hiked up to your mid thigh. Your scars were basically on display. You pulled the towel down and pushed Izuku out of the room. You slammed the door shut behind him and locked it. You ran to your closet and put some clothes on.
Midoriya didn't register what was going on. You had just shut the door to his face. What were the scars? Had someone hurt you? Had you hurt you? He heard your steps return to the door.
[Name], please. Open the door.", he pleaded.
"No.", you said weakly.
"I wan't to talk to you face to face. Please open the door."
You didn't want to see him. You didn't want to see his devastated face as he realized the truth, if he already hadn't. You just dropped to the floor and leaned your back to the door. Tears were staining your cheeks and you were hiccuping.
"[Name], please.", he pleaded desperately.
You didn't want to answer him. You knew your voice would betray you, but you couldn't listen to him. He sounded so heartbreaking.
"Why do you even care?", you whispered out loud.
"No one else cares. Why would you? Every time someone sees my scars, they get creeped out. They don't care, they just back away and leave me all alone."
"I'm not gonna leave you [Name]."
"So you say, but eventually, you'll get tired of me too, everyone does. Then you'll leave like everyone else does. Who'd want to with such a loser like me anyway? Sick, useless trash, that was thrown aside by everyone else.", you laughed sadly.
Your laugh sounded empty, like a hollow shell of your usually musical voice. Midoriya didn't understand this. He had noticed you seemed troubled and tired sometimes, but nothing too alarming. Why hadn't he noticed? And why did you think he wouldn't care? Why did you think he would just leave you? Had he been such a horrible boyfriend?
"[Name]?", he asked.
You didn't answer. You had nothing more to say. You just wanted him to leave. He would do it eventually anyway, so why prolong it?
"I just want you to know. I'm not going to leave you. Some scars are not going to scare me away. But... I'm scared [Name], scared that I'll lose you. I don't want to lose you. And whatever it is that's going on, I know I can't just make it go away... Depression, anxiety or stuff like that doesn't just magically disappear, I know that. But I want to help you. [Name], please let me help you.", he pleaded.
You didn't know what to say. You could hear the sadness and despair in his voice. He even sniffled a bit. Was he crying? You got up and opened the door. Izuku had been leaning on the other side of it, and now fell to your feet. He was quick to sit up. You fell to the floor and wrapped your arms around him. He did the same. You were holding each other and crying to each others shoulders.

Midoriya Izuku
FanfictionX reader one shot stuff from my tumblr herofics. Check out my other books too! If you want to read more of my stuff go check out my tumblr "herofics". You can find a lot of HCs there and stuff for characters I don't post for here in wattpad!