You were doing your patrols again today, like usual. It had been quiet the whole day and there was nothing big going on, but the night was coming so things would probably get a bit more interesting soon. You freaked out when someone pulled you to the dark alley and pinned you against the wall.
"Jeesus christ Izuku. Can't you just say hi or something.", you sighed.
"It's more fun like this."-he nibbled your earlobe- "Are you gonna work all night? I'm getting bored.", he growled at your ear.
"Yes, I have my job as a hero you know. But I got my vacation in a few weeks and then we have all the time in the world.", you grinned.
"Few weeks? I don't wanna wait that long.", he whined.
He sure knew how to make you feel bad for him. That adorable puppy face. He was a villain, but it was hard to tell before you actually saw him in action. When he fought, those adorable eyes had a bit of a scary glow to them.
"Fineeee, I'll see if I can get tomorrow off. Happy now?", you sighed.
"Yeah I am.", he grinned.
"But I gotta go now. It would suck if another hero saw us together. That would be trouble.", you said.
"I know, they might try to separate us.", he smiled mischievously.
"Oh yeah, that would be bad. But anyway I'll come to your place when I'm done with work. See ya."
You smiled at him one last time when he disappeared to the shadows. You could see that same glow in his eyes again. He must be up to something. Hopefully you wouldn't cross paths. You really didn't like to fight him, and he wouldn't want to fight you either.
It was pretty quiet until around midnight. Then you heard the first explosion. Was Izuku causing trouble? You sprinted towards the scene and relaxed a bit when you saw it was some guirk gang busting up a bank. They had gotten into a fight with a few other heroes. You ran to the middle of the chaos and tackled one of the robbers. He was a piece of cake to take down and you moved on to the next one.
There were only a few more villains to deal with. The two other heroes were next to you, ready to take down the three villains in front of you. It would be one on one for everyone. You dashed towards the biggest of them, confident you could take him down, but your spurt was cut short when someone grabbed both your ankles. You fell to the ground. You glanced down at your legs and saw that there was one more villain. She must have been underground, ready to slow people down if needed. You kicked her off, but it was too late. The big guy you were going to attack was already looming over you. He had raised his hands, ready to smack your head to the sidewalk. You wouldn't have time to dodge. You knew you were allowed to be afraid, but you felt so ashamed when you closed your eyes.
You heard a smack, but nothing hit you. You opened your eyes and looked to your right to see where the smacking was coming from. It was Izuku, he was looming over the guy. He was beating the shit out of the dude.
"Don't you touch her. Nobody touches her, except me. Nobody.", he hissed.
"You... aaa... Villain. Stop.", you stammered. You couldn't let anyone know you knew him.
Izuku just glanced at you and ran away. He couldn't risk getting caught. He had been following you, because he had a feeling something bad might happen. He was glad he had. How dared that bastard touch you, you were his. He knew he shouldn't get too possessive but he could help it. You were so... you. And you were only his to touch.
You were left a bit confused when Izuku fled the scene, leaving you stand there. You were pretty much fine, so you helped the other heroes to release the villains to the police custody. After that, you jogged back to your agency and told them you would take tomorrow off. They agreed so you changed out of your hero costume and went home. When you opened your front door you were met with two arms wrapping around you.
"Wow, wow, wow. Why are you here? I told you I'd come to your place later.", you asked.
"Yeah, but I wanted to make sure you were okay. Nobody saw me coming here, don't worry about that.", he said as he checked you all over.
"I'm fine, you really saved me there you know. Why were you there by the way?"
"Weeeeeell... I was just making sure you were okay.", he smiled nervously.
"So you were following me?"
"Okay. Why?", you asked.
"I just had a bad feeling."
"Well thanks anyway. I owe you one."
"You wanna pay me right away?", he grinned mischievously.
"You bet.", you smiled.
Izuku pulled you closer and kissed you. His hand were on your waist and yours were in his hair. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He then carried you to the bed. He laid you down, staying on top of you. He moved to nibble your neck.
"I won't let anyone ever touch you again.", he muttered to your neck.
"Mmmmmhhhm.", you panted.
You knew how he was, and you loved him for it.

Midoriya Izuku
FanfictionX reader one shot stuff from my tumblr herofics. Check out my other books too! If you want to read more of my stuff go check out my tumblr "herofics". You can find a lot of HCs there and stuff for characters I don't post for here in wattpad!