S/o and a bad phone call with mom

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You had been so happy to move to the dorms, since your home life definitely wasn't the best. You had wanted to call your mom once you had settled in and unpacked your stuff, just to explain that this was probably the smartest solution considering the situation.

"Hi mom" you said to the phone trying to sound only moderately excited, so she wouldn't take offense.

"Are you in the dorms now" she practically scoffed.

"Yes, it's really great and-"

"And what? It's so much better than at home with me? I've given you everything you have and you chose to move away like the ungrateful brat you are. Don't expect me to contact you again" she spat.


She hung up and you dropped your hand to your side with your phone in it.

"Huh" you sighed, but you could feel the tears in your eyes.

You grabbed your pillow from the bed and sat down in the corner, shoving your face into the pillow and starting to sob.

Midoriya had wanted to ask you about some english homework, so he went to your dorm room and knocked on the door.

"Who-who i-is it?" a wavering voice came from the room.

Midoriya froze for just a second, before answering: "It's me, can I come in?"

You thought about it for a while, before giving him an answer. You really wanted to tell Izuku what was going on, but you weren't sure you wanted him to see you cry.

"Yeah-yeah" you stuttered.

Midoriya opened the door and saw you sitting in the corner of the room, hugging your pillow. He closed the door behind him and walked to you calmly, even though he felt like he wanted to dash through the room to you.

He sat down next to you and you leaned your head against his shoulder.

"So, what is going on?"

"My mom, she... I feel like she doesn't want to hear from me anymore because I moved to the dorms" you said with a wavering voice and hugged your pillow even tighter.

"What makes you think so?"

"She-she basically said she won't be contacting me-me anymore" you started crying again.

Midoriya wasn't really sure what he should say to you, so he was just quiet for a while, trying to calm you down through his touch.

"I'm sorry to hear that" Izuku sighed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"It's not like it's your fault, it-it's mine" you said and took a deep breath.

"No it isn't. If your mom is mean to you, it's her fault, you've done nothing wrong by moving here, besides this is the safest place for you and the rest of us too" he assured.

"I know, but she doesn't seem to realize that even though she gave me the permission to stay here"

"It's going to be okay, she'll come around"

I'm not so sure I want her to be honest, not for a while at least, I kinda want some distance from her"

"Well, then you're allowed to take your time, and get back in contact with her when the time is right"

"Thanks Izuku" you said and kissed him on the cheek.

"For what?" he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, averting your gaze.

"For being the voice of reason I guess, you always know what to say to me" you smiled.

"I'm happy to be whatever you need me to be"

"Just being yourself is plenty" you said, which made him blush even more.

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