S/o hates yelling

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Midoriya was arguing with Bakugou yet again, when he noticed you basically running past him to your room, and slamming the door shut. They were arguing rather loudly, and Bakugou was yelling as usual.

"Kacchan, we'll finish this later" Midoriya said sternly and went to knock on your door, while Bakugou huffed and puffed while stomping away, smoke basically coming out of his ears.

"(Name)?" Midoriya said as he knocked.

He knew you hated when people yelled, and he was already regretting raising his voice.

"Go away, please" you said, sounding irritated.

"I just want to talk, (Name) please" Midoriya pleaded.

You pulled the door open and leaned against the doorframe, crossing your arms in front of you.

"So?" you asked. You were trying to keep up a tough front, but you were really upset.

"I'm sorry for yelling, I know you don't like it" Midoriya apologized.

"Yeah..." you nodded and wiped your cheek.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"I guess" you sighed and rubbed the back of your neck as you turned around and he followed you into the room.

"I know you're sorry and all, but why would you be yelling in the hallway in the first place?"

"Kacchan was just being an idiot" he shrugged.

"That's all I'm gonna get?"

"There's nothing more to it, I promise" Midoriya assured.

"Fine, can you just keep your yelling matches to a minimum?"

"Yes of course"

"Good, now can we talk about our date?" you asked and stepped closer to him, taking him by his collar and pulling him closer.

"What date?" Midoriya asked, scared that he had forgotten about something and flustered because of your sudden boldness.

"The date you're going to take me on tomorrow" you said.

"O-oh that, yes of course" he stammered.

Midoriya was growing more red by the second, so you decided to relieve him of his suffering and stepped back, which caused him to look very confused and a bit disappointed.

"I'm gonna save that for after our date tomorrow" you smirked.

Midoriya was left waiting until tomorrow and you had gotten back at him for yelling, so you felt like you were even now.

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