Midoriya and All Might's death

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This couldn't be happening. No way this was happening. Deku could see it all through the screen, All Might had pummeled to other man to submission, but after raising his fist up high, as if to tell everyone it was over, that the hero had won, he collapsed, and Deku ran. He ran as fast as he could to his teacher, his mentor, his hero.

Deku got there before anyone else had even reacted. It was like the whole world had frozen around him.

"All Might, All Might, are you okay?"

"I think this is it for me young Midoriya" he coughed blood.

"Nonononono, you can't..."

Deku couldn't say it. He couldn't even imagine it, this could not be happening.

"It's your turn now" All Might whispered.

"Someone get help, help!"

Deku raised his mentors head and tried to keep him awake, but it was too late. All Might's eyes had already shut and his chest wasn't rising anymore.

Deku started crying silently and pulled his mentors head to his chest, rocking back and forth while holding him. And as if the universe itself was saddened by his death, it started to pour rain. Deku didn't care, he just wanted his mentor to come back. He wanted nothing but that, he would have given his own life if it meant bringing All Might back

When the EMTs got to the scene Deku wouldn't let go of the body. He just cried silently, and had to be ripped off of All Might by other heroes. He screamed and yelled and cried, and tried to fight the heroes strong grips, but he couldn't, he didn't have the strength to.

Deku wouldn't accept the reality that his mentor was gone, not for some time. He couldn't, it would have broken him. And eventually it did, he didn't show up to school anymore, and pushed his friends away, as his mentor had died, he had lost his way.

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