A/N: Just some fluff, taking care of Deku
"You don't need to take care of me, I'll be fine on my own" Midoriya tried to insist.
"I know, but I want to" you said as you made him a cup of tea.
Midoriya was sitting in the huge armchair, wrapped in a blanket, as you handed him the tea cup.
"Thank you" he coughed.
Midoriya had never been sick much, even as a kid. The occasional flu or stomach bug, maybe, but he hadn't felt this crappy in years. He'd been sick for almost a week now and his fever kept going up and down. He wasn't sleeping properly, because he was waking up to cough in the middle of the night so he was exhausted. He really appreciated you taking care of him, and he wanted you to know that. It just felt a bit odd for him, he was usually the one taking care of people, be it because of his job as a pro-hero or in his day-to-day relationships. That's not to say you weren't there for him any time he needed you. You were his rock, his safe haven, always there for him when he needed you.
"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" you asked
"There's a new All Might documentary I've been meaning to watch, how about that?" Midoriya suggested.
"Sure, just don't blame me if I fall asleep in the middle of it" you joked.
Midoriya just chuckled, before that chuckled turned into a cough.
"Oh babe, I wonder what's going on with you, you've never been sick for this long, not in the time I've known you" you said as you snuggled next to him in the armchair.
"It's just a flu, nothing to worry about. I'm sure I'll be fine in a couple more days" Midoriya assured you.
"I really hope so too" you said and kissed him on the cheek.
He was really warm, his fever was probably spiking again. Midoriya wrapped his arms and blanket around you, so you were both snuggled comfortably next to each other.
Someone certainly fell asleep during the documentary, but it wasn't you. Midoriya managed to stay awake for almost a half an hour, but after that he was lights out, and you followed not far behind. You fell asleep in each other's arms, and Midoriya slept better than he had in days.

Midoriya Izuku
FanficX reader one shot stuff from my tumblr herofics. Check out my other books too! If you want to read more of my stuff go check out my tumblr "herofics". You can find a lot of HCs there and stuff for characters I don't post for here in wattpad!