Chapter 37

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"Everything ready?" asked Evan standing outside the venue. He hadn't even changed yet. He was still running around like a headless chicken trying to organise everything. I held my hand on his shoulder in a firm grip. "Everything's going to be perfect. I can promise you me and Jess did nothing but the absolute best for yours and Mum's wedding," I responded. I too was worrying about Naomi. She normally ends up crying if she has to be away from Nat or me for long periods of time. 

I saw Evan relax a bit. "Evan I have a question," I spoke. I've been pondering this for months, since he asked me, actually. "Shoot," he responded starting to walk with me to where the groomsmen were going to get ready. "How come you didn't ask your own son to be your best man?" I asked. I was curious. He has a son of his own. Over time I've become really good friends with him. 

Evan took a deep breath and run his hand through his hair. Those weary brown eyes looked back at me. All I saw was sincerity. "I wanted to show my commitment not only to your Mother but to you and your siblings. So asking you to be my best man was something I was set on. You mean a lot to me Adrian, you all do." he responded, a smile slowly growing as he spoke. 

Definitely the right sort of guy for my Mum. We slipped into our tuxes and made our way to the aisle. Rustic, outdoorsy, everything that Mum and Evan liked to do. It was outside and I was glad that the weather wasn't going to be too hot. We waited there as the final touches were put in place. "Have you got the rings?" Evan whispered as family members started pouring in. I spotted  Grandma in the crowd along with Gramps and Aunty Kate. Where was Uncle Nate? He said he was coming. Glad to see they made it to the wedding. 

"Yeah, they're in my pocket," I responded. I patted my pockets to make sure which one they were in. It was vital that I didn't mess this up. We didn't really plan to have a child as a ring bearer since it was easier and logical to let an adult look after the rings. I could see out the corner of my eye that Evan was shaking from his nerves. His back was turned but I knew the moment the music queued Mum's entrance, he'd turn around and all the nerves would go away. 

I took a deep breath in and focused on the trees in the distance. The navy and blush decorations hanging from the branches and the confetti littered the floor making a makeshift aisle. The music started playing. I watched as Nat, accompanying Naomi, came down the aisle. Naomi threw flower petals on the floor with a big smile on her face. Picture perfect right there. I steadied myself as I watched the other girls come in. Jess, the twins Ella and Lily and then one of Evan's daughters. 

Noah sat with Evan's son, Kyle, in the front row. They looked a little bored. How could I blame them. They were teenage boys who I knew found this whole ceremony a bit boring. I would too if I were their age. The music changed slightly and I knew it was time. I felt my eyes start to prickle with the unshed tears. Evan could barely compose himself the moment he saw Mum walking down the aisle. Her arm was hooked around Uncle Nate's arm as he escorted her to Evan. 

This made me so happy. Mum looked so happy and I knew that Evan would never let her down. Uncle Nate made a gesture to Evan as he gave Mum over, to let him know that he would be watching. He went to sit down next to Noah and Kyle.

"Please be seated," the officiant spoke, breaking the silence in the hall. Those of us that weren't in the bride or groom's party sat down in the chairs. I, like the others standing at the front, turned to watched the happy couple and the officiant. 

"First, I'd like to begin by welcoming everyone and thanking each and every one of you, on behalf of Lauren and Evan, for being here on the most happiest of days. Each one of you were invited to be here because you represent someone important in the individual and collective lives of Lauren and Evan." the officiant started speaking and I had to resist the urge to yawn. I know it was a boring speech but it had to be said in the lead up to the vows. At least it wasn't overly religious, considering neither of Mum or Evan were religious people. 

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