Chapter 17

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Neverland Ranch, March 1997

"I thought I would meet my new sister-in law today. Will she be around? - Michael! Michael- are you listening to me? I feel like I'm talking to myself. Prince here is paying more attention than you are...And he's way more responsive, aren't you, little angel?"

Michael looked up from the paper he was doodling on. Annoyed, he crossed out the L he had adorned with flowers and- snakes? Well, that was fitting. And maybe it wasn't a "L" after all...maybe it was a capsized 7.

Why would Janet think she'd meet Lisa here? Oh shoot, he really had to stop thinking of her as his wife. She wasn't that. She wasn't his friend, and she wasn't in his life. She was nothing. More crossing out of the capsized 7...

Amazing how much time and brain capacity was devoted to 'nothing.'

Well, it was not like he could control any of that. She was like a poison, working itself slowly out of his body. At least he was healing...or so he thought.

"Mike!. Earth to Applehead! Where is this adorable young man's mother? Is she not living here?"

Why would she be living here? Oh, right...

Because, Michael, in the real world husbands live with the woman giving them babies.

Because, Michael, in the real world husbands live with the woman giving them babies

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He swallowed the little twinge of guilt. He hated lying to Janet. Well, he wasn't really lying to her. Not like he had seen her in a while, so she was simply not all the way in the know about his situation.

Remember- everyone buys the little fairy tale.

Yes, and what a fairy tale he was selling. A loving, close-knit family. So sweet, so in love. Perfect. Perfect way to get diabetes. No, the brilliant sales strategy seemed to work. Didn't the new pictures he just had taken prove it to the world? Debbie had been over the top happy when he had agreed to invite OK Magazine in to take exclusive pictures. He hoped this would shut everyone up and would buy him and the baby some peace and quiet. So far, so good. Of course, he could still not venture anywhere without being hounded. And there was crazy interest in his baby. People probably wanted to see it was human- given his Dad was some kind of weirdo they liked to dehumanize. Maybe it had been crazy of him to want to do the one thing everyone else got to do without thought: procreate. Had he doomed his child to a lifetime of being hunted like a prey?

Michael, lets really be sure we can handle all this. Think of everything having another baby would entail. Think of how crazy things will be- we have to be solid- how else can he or she ever have a chance at being normal? Look at the circus around you...

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