🎀A Coffee Request🎀Lucifer x F!Reader

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*Your POV*
Even though it was a Saturday night, which meant not having to worry about going to RAD today or tomorrow, something just told me that Lucifer was probably still up doing paperwork despite it almost being one in the morning.

I quietly make my way out of my room and down the hall towards Lucifer's. I just hope he's not overwhelming himself again. He has such a terrible tendency of doing that. Once I stand in front of his door, I softly knock on his door three times. I hear a soft 'come in,' before I open the door.

"Hey Lucifer, how are you holding up?" I ask once I close his door behind me and walk over to him sitting at his desk.

"As you know, I'm currently doing more paperwork that Lord Diavolo has neglected to do in order for him to be more caught up." Lucifer lightly sighs out.

"I get that.. but it's almost one in the morning, would you like for me to make you some coffee?" I ask nicely as I smile at him.

"Actually, a cup of coffee made by you would be rather splendid right now." He returns a sweet smile back at me.

"Great, I'll be right back, hehe!" I giggle and exit his bedroom and make my way towards the kitchen.

Sure enough, Beel was there ransacking the leftovers and anything else he could get his hands on inside the refrigerator. I can't help but sweat drop at him as he keeps on devouring everything and still hasn't taken notice of my presence yet.

"Lucifer is gonna get onto you if he catches you again, Beel." I exasperate as he starts to choke slightly on the food he was in the process of gobbling up.

"ACK– *cough* *cough* *cough* water– *cough* water please!" He coughs out. I quickly grab a class from the pantry and fill it with water and hand it to him.

"I'm so sorry Beel! I didn't mean to startle you!" I immediately started apologizing to him.

"*glug* *glug* *GULP* It's okay, N/n. I just thought you were Lucifer at first." He gasps out as he finishes the entire cup of water.

"Not this time! Say, you didn't touch the creamer, right?" I ask with a hopeful strain to my voice.

"Hm? Oh, no, not this time," he informs me before asking questions, "Why? Are you getting ready to make some coffee?"

"Yeah, not just for me, but for Lucifer too!" I beam out happily.

"Gotcha. The beans, filters, and sugar is in the cupboard right above the coffee maker. I think I'm gonna go ahead and try to go back to sleep so I don't get in trouble again." Beel smiles nervously as he rubs the back of his head with his left hand.

"Okay, good night Beel." I wave to him.

"Good night." He waves back as he leaves the kitchen to head back to his room.

I then quickly get to work with making Lucifer's cup of coffee with a newfound giddiness to my step. After finishing up both of our cups of coffee and cleaning up my mess, I quickly make my way back to Lucifer's room.

"Hey Lucifer? I kind of need help opening the door." I call out from the other side of the door.

I hear a light chuckle as he approaches the door and opens it up for me to come back in. "Oh, you decided to make a cup for yourself?"

"I figured I may as well since I took it upon myself to also start helping you with the paperwork to help lessen your load." I smile sweetly at him as I hand him his cup.

"Oh? Well that's very kind and considerate of you. I would love to have your assistance with all of it." He says before he finally takes a sip of his coffee before he makes a surprised face before it ultimately turns into a playful smirk.

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