🖤Not the Daddy🖤Pt. 1 Diavolo x F!Reader

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*Your POV*
I pace back and forth in my bathroom with my hands pressed together in a praying stance. On the sink is a pregnancy test I put face down to conceal what the results will be until my timer on my phone goes off. I can feel my entire being fill up with dread as my breath begins to slightly pick up. Lucky me, Asmo is here also awaiting the results.

"Deep breaths, Y/n, deep breaths. Maybe you're worried over nothing? Yeah, ya gotta be worried over nothing! So what if you managed to get human world alcohol and got blacked out drunk a month and a half ago and can't remember who you slept with!? It's all gonna work out in the end!" I tried to reason as I calmed my breathing a bit.

"I'm so sorry, N/n! I should have done a better job of keeping my eye on you, hun!" Asmo cries out with crocodile tears brimming his eyes.

"Spare me the theatrics, Asmo. You ended up getting waaay more hammered than me within an hour." I cock one of my eyebrows at him disapprovingly. He just blushes bashfully in embarrassment.

"Heh heh, you're right.. I really am sorry though, but I have faith." He reassures me as he rubs circles on my back to help ease my nerves.

"I'm trying to have faith too, but if I want a real answer, I'm gonna have to look at this test..." I whisper softly, a tiny bit afraid.

"It's going to be fine N/n, I doubt the test is gonna be positive." Asmo tries to reason with me.

"Oh, really? Woooow, then please explain to me why in the hell I have been puking for the past three days on and off again! I'm gaining weight and I think my boobs went up almost two sizes from what they previously were!" I shriek out.

My timer finally goes off, causing both of us to jump. I sigh out in frustration before I turn it off with a slight huff before I face the counter that the pregnancy test was placed on. I let out a shaky sigh as I grab the test and slowly turn the results towards me. I immediately feel sick to my stomach as I see that the test in my hand reads, 'Pregnant.'

"Stupid loud timer... Alright, let's see–!" I drop the test as I feel my knees go weak and free fall.

Asmo is quick to react and catches me before I fall to the ground. He holds me up as he looks at me worriedly. "What's wrong?! What were the results!?"

I just point at the test right outside of my peripheral as I stare at the floor in a complete and horrid daze. He walks me over the toilet as he puts the top of the lid down for me so I can sit on it and goes to pick up the test. He then gasps out as he holds it up and sees the results.

"Okay, I know how it seems right now, but don't panic." He breathes out rapidly.

"I think we're past the point of panicking! What the hell did I even do that night?!" I yell out as I feel my nerves beginning to go into shock.

~Seven weeks ago
Asmo and I began to get ready for the karaoke night that The Fall planned out. He helps me finish up with my hair and makeup and asks me to stand in front of his full body mirror and spin slowly for him.

"Hun, you are absolutely stunning!" He gushes at me sweetly as he gasps out in cheer at his hard work.

"All thanks to you, love! I am living for this entire look!" I giggle happily as I admire my outfit in the mirror.

"All eyes are so gonna be on the two of us!" He giggles back with me as he leans into the mirror a bit to adjust his makeup as well.

"Now, let's get this show on the road!" I cheer out as we both grab our respective clutch bags.

"Now, let's get this show on the road!" I cheer out as we both grab our respective clutch bags

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