💢Snack Stealer!💢 Beel x F!Tsundere Reader

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*Your POV*
I've been living in the Devildom for a hot minute now, and I gotta say that I am so much happier here than I was back on Earth. Even after being out of RAD, Lord Diavolo was generous enough to let me stay permanently if it was my desire to do so. So, naturally, I told him that nothing would make me happier.

Our agreement consisted of me every now and again going back up to the human world for vacations and such, just to keep in touch with my roots. I personally love this arrangement, it makes it very easy for me to be with the people I have the pleasure of calling my friends.

There's just one problem...

"BEELZEBUB!" I shout out angrily as I stomp out of my room and slam the door shut behind me, making my way to Lucifer's room.

Every single fucking time without fail, he manages to find all of my snacks, and inhale them! He is the only one out of the seven of them that gets on my nerves. With his stupid appetite that's never satiated, his stupid happy grin he always has on any time he's stuffing his stupid face, and his stupid big dumb muscles... Wait a damn minute, what the hell am I even saying?!

I pause in my tracks as these thoughts start to bubble in my mind randomly yet again with a very irritated expression on my face covered in a huge blush. 'Why the hell are you even thinking about these stupid things for?! He annoys you all the time and you know this!'

I let out a frustrated sigh before continuing my stomping towards Lucifer's room accompanied with a bunch of my now empty bags of chips, candy, and desserts. Beelzebub had yet again ransacked my room in search of food, and now I'm tempted to kill the bastard despite the fact that I made that stupid pact with him.

Once I make it to Lucifer's room, I calm myself down some before I softly knock on his door enough for him to hear me, but without it being obnoxiously loud. I heard a soft, 'come in,' from him before I finally opened the door.

"Lucifer.. HE DID IT AGAIN!" I scream out in rage as I hold up the empty containers and bags.

"*sigh* I sincerely apologize on behalf of Beelzebub, Y/n. Let me text him real quick to come here immediately." Lucifer sighs out in annoyance.

"I don't mean to be a pain in the ass like Mammon, Lucifer.. but this is getting out of hand, this is the third time this week!" I speak a little more calmly this time.

"I understand and appreciate the sentiment, but this does need to stop. I just got a response from him, he's on his way." He speaks firmly as he looks at the text from Beel.

"Good! As he should be, I can't wait to give him a piece of my–" The door to Lucifer's room suddenly opens up, revealing a shirtless Beel with sweat trickling down his toned upper body. "Mind?"

"Sorry for showing up this way, Lucifer, I was working out right before you texted." He smiles nervously.

"It's not a problem, I'm just glad you held true to your words and showed up quickly, it's more than Mammon would have done." Lucifer speaks honestly.

And somewhere around the house of Lamentation, I am more than willing to bet that Mammon either sneezed or shivered in that moment when Lucifer said his name.

"What did you need?" Beel asks Lucifer sweetly.

"I need for you to–"

"Repay me back my damn food and snacks you keep on eating!" I cut off Lucifer since my anger kicked back in after the embarrassment wore off from seeing shirtless Beel for the first time ever.

I can only imagine how red my face actually looks right now. I just pray that they both don't think I'm red in the face because of embarrassment and just hope they assume it's from anger alone.

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