🎀Sorcerer Buddies🎀 Solomon x F!Reader

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*Your POV*
Returning back to the human world from the Devildom was an extremely nice change of pace I never knew I would miss so deeply up until now. Sure, I loved being around the seven brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, and the others, but I missed my home too. I've come to love all of them as if they were my actual brothers now too.

What I didn't expect was to grow such a close and intimate relationship with Solomon. I was practically always by his side whenever I wasn't at the house of Lamentation with the others. All of my free time was spent by his side, having him teach me magic and such.

I inhaled the air around me and sighed out contently as I continued my walk through the park. It had been so long since I last saw the cherry blossom trees in full bloom, I was practically passing by like a snail.

As I was taking my surroundings in, I suddenly got a notification from my D.D.D. I squealed excitedly as I saw that the message was from none other than Solomon.


The Best Sorcerer
'Hey, N/n, what are you up to? (:'

Ruler of Them All

'Hey Solomon! I'm just walking through my neighborhood park at the moment.
What's up? (:'

The Best Sorcerer
'Oh, would you like to meet up then?
I could maybe teach more magic if you like?'

Ruler of Them All

'I would love that, meet me at *address*Let me know when you're close! ^~^'

The Best Sorcerer
'Of course! Can't wait to see you! <3 (:'


I can feel heat rush to my cheeks as I look at the heart and smiling emoji he sent me. A million thoughts rush through my head as I refrain myself from squealing and fangirling like a mad woman out in public.

'Wait, does this mean he likes me too?! Does he actually like me!? Why else would he send me those emojis? No– no, don't overthink this and make it weird. But fuuuuck, he's so cute!'

I suffice myself with just a simple giggle as I feel a light blush cover my cheeks before stashing it away into the back pocket of my black ripped shorts. I then walk over to a nearby bench as I sit down and patiently wait for Solomon to get here.

I take out my regular phone and start scrolling through Instagram since it looks less weird to look on here then it does my D.D.D. Having to come up with an explanation on the spot as to why my phone looks completely different from others would be a complicated one.

Five minutes go by as I continue to look at funny cat videos of people I follow when I suddenly hear three guys all laughing as they are walking by. I do my best to ignore them and continue to look at my phone.

'Please don't notice me, please don't notice me, keep on fucking trucking. Don't stop.'

"Oh, what do we have here?" The leader of the group calls out with a playful smirk on his face. He has chocolate brown hair with really dark brown eyes. Of course, he was the tallest one of the three too.

'Can I live? Can I fucking live?'

I continue to scroll through my phone, trying my best to ignore them.

"She sure is a beauty, what's your name?" The third tallest asks me with a more friendly smile.

I sigh out in defeat since I didn't want to be mean to him at least. "Spike." I reply in a dull and sarcastic tone, not once looking up from my phone.

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