🎀I Love You🎀 Belphie x F!Idol Reader

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*Your POV*
"*sigh* Are you sure this was a good idea, Levi?" I sighed out nervously while pacing back and forth in our waiting room of the colosseum.

"Of course, you have a beautiful voice when you sing! If you can't tell Belphie how you feel with regular words, then you should say it through song!" Levi cheers out excitedly. "I'm just happy that you let me make your outfit for tonight! You look almost just like Ruri-chan, just (f/c) instead of pink, and it suits you!"

I blush at his words and thank him. Lord Diavolo had decided to hold a talent show here at the colosseum so that everyone could be more welcomed and comfortable while being here in the Devildom for the exchange program.

Unbeknownst to me, Levi had registered me to perform at said talent show... What's a major problem for me? Oh geez, I don't know.. IT MIGHT BE BECAUSE I HAVE SEVERE STAGE FRIGHT! Only Levi has EVER heard me sing, and that was by accident!

"Mnh, I don't know if I can do this, Levi!" I shout out, frustrated as I smack both of my hands onto my forehead.

"You absolutely can, N/n! Wanna know why? Cause you're incredible!" He cheers me on.

"Easy for you to say, you're not going to be performing in front of the entire Devildom! Why the hell did you sign me up without at least running it by me first?!" I yell out annoyed.

"But.. you were quick to make that one music video with me that one time!" He whines out to me.

"Yeah, but that was because we were using my old V-tuber character design no one else has ever seen to hide my real identity! That was way, way different! Now it's really ME going out there and singing!" I yelled at him with an angry face.

"I know, I know! But so many people became obsessed with that animated music video!" He smiles at me sweetly as he grabs hold of both of my hands reassuringly. "All of the Devildom fell in love with that video because of your singing, now is the time to reveal that it is indeed our resident human that everyone still keeps undermining!"

"*sigh* Okay, I believe you, Levi... Thank you." I smile slightly at him as we go out to get ready to go out onto the stage they set up in the middle of the colosseum.

"Of course!" He replies back with a bright smile as he continues to hold my hand while we walk closer to the exit out into the colosseum.

"I still don't see how the hell I allowed you to talk me into doing this.." I grumble out.

"Just be sure to properly thank me later." He playfully winks at me as he lightly bumps my shoulder with his.

"Fine, fine! I can do this, you're right!" I try to gas myself up.

As we approach closer, I can hear the entire crowd cheering and revving up. Everyone was in good spirits and patiently waiting for the next act. I intake a deep breath through my nose and slowly let it out through my mouth.

"Oh, my days, I think I'm gonna hurl!" I inform him in a deep and low tone as I feel bile beginning to creep its way up my throat.

"Nuh-uh-uh! No you are not! You are gonna go out there and you are going to do amazing!" Levi presses me on as he literally pushes me by my back to get closer to the exit door that leads out into the main area of the coliseum.

"You got this, N/n, break a leg!" Levi cheers me on as he softly ushers me out of the entryway. "And remember, close your eyes and only focus on the music until you're comfortable again!"

"Right.." I then walk out and onto the stage to see thousands of demons from all over the Devildom. I clench the mic I'm holding in between my hands as I clench my jaw to keep myself focused.

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