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"I see you have witnessed the strength of fire magic first hand, my Lord."The Lady of Light spoke once Lord Elrond entered, already knowing what was on his mind. "But..." "My friend, don't tell me you did not figure that out yourself."She said, interupting him as she sat down, gesturing at him to do the same. "Why would she do that?"He asked slightly confused. Why would she do such a thing as protecting him? Didn't it cost her a lot of strength? What did she tell him again about it... "It seems to me that she cares a great deal about you. You see protecting borders is an easy task but when you place magic around a person it takes so much more. It's not only her power that feeds the spell she puts upon you. But it's also her emotions towards you. The deeper and stronger they are, the more effective it will be."Lady Galadriel explained, watching Lord Elrond's expression carefully. She wished for him to move on after what happened with her daughter and him but it seemed as if he felt unable to do such a thing. 

"Do you realize what you're suggesting, my Lady."He spoke softly, a frown upon his face as she rested a hand on his arm, a small smile gracing her lips. "I know what I'm saying, my friend. And I believe it's time for you to move on and live your life again. Do not dwell on the past as it will only bring pain. Live in the present and take the wonders of life with both your hands. Enjoy the breeze the wind carresses, enjoy the sun upon your skin, enjoy nature. Enjoy all that is offered to you. As you deserve to let your heart feel again, more than only the pain and grief it has been in for centuries."She explained, gesturing at some guards to come to her, waiting for her commands. "Prepare some horses and some guards to accompany Lord Elrond back to Imaldris."


"My Lord."Lindir spoke with a bow as Lord Elrond rode on the courtyard, gaze traveling around as if he was looking for someone. "We were not expecting you to return so soon."He added as Lord Elrond came down of his horse, making his way towards him. "There was a slight change of plans. Have you seen Phoebe?"He spoke as Lindir quickly averted his gaze, knowing all too well where the She-Elf was but how to bring this information he was not sure about. He was actually busy writing a letter according this topic to be send to Lord Elrond but it seemed he now had to deliver the news personally. "She is in her private chambers, my Lord."Lindir spoke finally looking back at his Lord who nodded his head. "I have to discuss something with her. Can you see dinner will be ready after it?"He asked already making his way towards the stairs. "Well there is a slight problem about that, my Lord."Lindir quickly said, stopping Elrond in his tracks turning around to face him and raise an eyebrow. "And why is that, Lindir?"He questioned. "She fainted some time after you left, my Lord. She yet has to wake up."

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