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There was something different about her than any other She-Elf he had ever met. Ever since the death of his wife others tried to take her place but he could not love someone else like he had loved her but Phoebe, she was a complete different story...
She was a strange one but not that he minded. Absolutely not, it brought some life here back. Elrond stopped when he reached the gardens finding her sitting by the small stream running through it.
Clearly deep in thoughts as she did not hear him approaching her slowly. "How are you feeling?"He asked softly as her eyes focused back looking up at him. "How should one be feeling?"She asked back with a soft sigh leaving her pink almost red plump lips. "I cannot answer that."He said back. "Neither can I know how exactly you're feeling on the moment all I can say is that time will help to give it all a place."He answered sitting down next to her in the grass. "I must say I find this race of Elves very odd."She muttered as her eyes were focused on two elves sitting on a bench, talking quietly with each other. "Why?"He asked curious. "We show our affection to everyone. Everyone deserves some kind of affection. Simple gestures shows that. It's something simple which we do without thinking. It actually shows how we feel about another without knowing it ourselves."She explained her eyes leaving the couple to look at him again. "A friendship is visible by a small smile and simple gestures like a pat on the shoulder or a hug."She started thinking back. "Love is..."She murmured thinking about it. "Visible in ones eyes I believe. There lies this sparkle with in them and by my kin our eyes light up slightly. Love is visible by carressings."She added reliving her memories of her parents when they showed affection to each other. "Friendship is the same for my kin but love it is indeed something visible in the eyes."He said seeing how she listened closely to him. "When one loves another it becomes visible by their protective behavior towards each other and the fact that they are almost always together."He explained. "Do you love someone?"She asked curious. "I have loved someone."He answered with a sad smile to feel how she laid a hand on his. "I'm sorry for your loss."She said softly. "It's alright."He said back. "It's starting to heal."He murmured softly. "Have you loved someone?"He asked curious as she shook her head. "I never felt that special connection with someone."She admitted softly. "But maybe one day I will."
"To show respect you lay a hand on your heart and make a small bow."Lindir explained as he showed it to her as she did the same. "It's also how you greet someone you know."He added as she nodded her head at that doing it again. "Is there something else also?"She asked curious as he thought about it. "I believe Lord Elrond has showed you the rest already."He answered just as Lord Elrond entered the room taking a seat at the table that was set with various food. "Is everything alright, my lord?"Lindir asked. "Orcs have been wandering too close to the borders of our land."He answered pinching the bridge of his nose. "I've sent my guards to take care of it but I do not know how long it will take for them to get back."He added as Lindir listened to it. "We will put the others guards by the borders then, my lord."He suggested as Lord Elrond shook his head at that. "The rest accompanied Arwen to Lorien."He said back. "They will return in the middle of their journey when guards of Lorien will take over."He added and she felt slightly out of place standing here, listening to their conversations in which she had absolutely no part in. "Will they cross the borders?"She asked carefully causing the both of them to look at her. "They never did it before but it does not mean they won't try it."

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