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"My Lord!"She called out before he climbed on his horse, stopping him in midair before lowering himself back to the ground, looking at her in surprise as he did not expect her to come and see him leave. "My little fire, are you alright?"He asked carefully, closing the distance between them, letting his hand cup her cheek. "I'm fine, Elrond. I just wanted to see you before you left."She explained with a small but unsure smile, her hand covering his. "Making sure you are alright."She added softly. "You have no need to worry. I am fine now and I'll be fine for the rest of my journey."He said back, trying to get rid off her sudden nerves. "Can you blame for worrying too much, my Lord?"She asked softly, feeling the curious gazes of the Elves who were going to accompany him, giving them no privacy. "I feel very blessed for having your worries."He answered, his other hand now also cupping her other cheek before placing a kiss on her forehead. "If you have any problem, Lindir will be at your service, my little fire."He whispered, looking in her brown eyes. "Be careful, Elrond."She whispered, pecking his cheek before taking a step back as a smile formed on his lips, nodding his head as a sign that he would before mounting his horse. " Amor esse ut scuto mala impedimus. Cor ducere liceat. Comminus eminus adhuc. Salvum illum habere, dare illi fortitudinem. Da ei virtutem."She whispered under breath, watching them ride away. "Attende tibi Dominus..."She murmured the last part, bowing her head at Lindir who also watched his Lord leave as she retreated for some peace, praying with everything in her body that the enchantment would work and keep him safe...


"Drepa avhem! (Kill them!)" A voice commanded before Orcs appeared on their path, swords crashing against each other filled the air. Commands yelled at each other while the Elves did their best to keep their Lord safe from harm, sending one away to get aid from Lórien as they were outnumbered. His eyes went from one Orc that came closer to another, they couldn't keep this up and he was not going to give up without a fight as he held his sword tightly, descending his horse, letting it run to safity. "Fool creatures."He muttered under his breath, killing the first that closed the distance with ease, his sword smoothly cutting through the air, connecting with Orcs, killing them swiftly. He felt that this was lost if the Elves of Lórien weren't reached on time. "Deaavh liwo avake lat. (Death will take you.)"An Orc said his sword ready to end the Elven Lord's life before charging forward as his sword should have pierced right through Elrond's chest to only have it shatter to pieces, nothing left of the sword the Orc had as it stared at it in disbelief just as Elrond who quickly killed the Orc. What was this?

"Thiuk iuk no shorat. Charmuk proavecav naj-ri!(This is no luck. Charms protect him.)"Another Orc called out, stopping the other Orcs from attacking the Elven Lord, looking at their leader unsure of what to do next but before they could decide arrows killed some of the Orcs as they were joined by Elves from Lórien with who they managed to outnumber the enemy. "Are you alright, my Lord?"An Elf asked with a bow. "Surprisingly I am."He answered, his eyes on the shards that used to be a sword. Something he yet couldn't understand. "I need to see the Lady of Light as quick as possible."

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