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She was walking through the gardens, her fingers stroking the flowers she passed, a smile on her lips. Lord Elrond had only left a couple of hours ago and she felt more at peace, knowing he was under her protection spell. She was only unsure whether or not it would be effective or not. She had not put such a powerful spell upon anyone for a long time. She only remembered the times she had watched her mother protecting her father. She was aware that her emotions would benefit the spell greatly as the strength and power would feed from those.
"My lady."Lindir said with a bow when she passed him. He seemed rather at peace at the calmness that surrounded Imladris at the moment. "My friend."She said back with a smile, taking a seat on one of the benches closeby the small stream that went through the gardens. A place she often seeked. "Do you think Lord Elrond would have arrived yet?"She asked curious, looking at Lindir whose eyes were focused on the sky that was slowly darkening, showing that the sun was about to leave and the moon would rise. "Perhaps."He muttered slightly unsure. "I hope his journey will be safe."She said with a soft sigh, leaning back on her hands as she closed her eyes for a moment.
Her eyes flashed open, shooting up from the bench as her heartbeat quickened. Her legs gave up underneath her as she collided in the grass, her hands gripping the ground, trying to find power from the earth. "My lady?"Lindir asked unsure, resting a hand on her shoulder to feel only how her body was heating up, almost to warm for him to touch. Her breathing quickened as she bowed her head, forehead resting against the grass as she tried to cool down.
"Ab periculo defende. Da ei virtutem. Frange arma. Da ei potestatem meam. Scutum fac ex amore. Serva cor meum."She whispered."Phoebe?"Lindir asked, stooping down as he tried to catch her eyes, to only notice how they were a bright orange colour almost as if there were flames in them.What was happening?"Da ei omnem potestatem corporis mei offerendi. Tuere quem amo. Serva mea"She whispered, almost begged, dirt getting under her fingernails. Her heartbeat started to slow down as her body relaxed slightly, showing her that the danger he was in had passed. "Can you help me up?"She asked in a whisper, forcing a smile on her lips as Lindir held out his hand for her, pulling her carefully to her feet. "Thank y..."She started to only feel how her body stopped functioning completely, collapsing to the ground as Lindir held her body up from doing that  . "PHOEBE!"He called out in a slight panic but no reaction came from the She-Elf who laid limp in his arms.


"My little fire."He whispered softly as he held her hand in his, noticing how cold her skin was against his. It almost felt like he held ice in his bare hands. But he did not. No, he held her hand and he wished he could warm them back up but he tried. He had her hand in between both his hand to warm her up but it did absolutely nothing. "How can I help you?"He asked into the quiet room as if it would grant him the answer he was so desperately looking for. But he knew the room would tell him nothing. He knew no one could tell him anything and as he sat in the silince he could feel how his heart slowly broke in a thousand pieces as he was once again reminded that no matter what he could never protect the ones he loved the most. He let her slip through his fingers without fully realizing the meaning she had in his life. He had locked love away when he lost his wife but yet it was in his presence the whole time. But he, he was too blind to take notice of it and now when he did, it was too late. 

"I am a fool, my little fire."He whispered, his thumb stroking her cold skin. "You were always by my side, giving a meaning to the life I was living but I was blinded by the thought love would never present itself to me again. I thought I lost my chance, so I gave up hope. But then you came and you found a comfortable place in my heart and warmed it up. I should have noticed it sooner, my love. I should have taken notice of it and grab it with both of my hands and never let it go. But now that I'm willing to take a hold of it, it's slowly fading away. Won't you fade away?"He ended his sentence with a question in a soft whisper, his grip slightly tightening. He needed anything, just a sign to show him she was still with him. A squeeze of his hand. A huff of air leaving her lips. A whimper leaving her lips or just a sigh. Just a move of her body. Anything. He just needed something...

"Father."Arwen called out, entering the room, not bothering to knock as she held several books and scrolls in her arms, dropping them on the desk that stood in the corner of the room. "I have been looking through the library for a whole day trying to find any kind of information about Fire-Elves in hope something might be mentioned about this all."She explained, unrolling a scroll. "I have found mentions in old text but I'm not sure whether they will be useful. So I thought I would bring them to you."She added, handing him the scroll as his eyes quickly scanned it, stopping on the word enchantments and the mention it made to another scroll as he stood up, searching through them all till he found it, quickly unrolling it. "I'll look through them, my dear."He said with a small smile as Arwen nodded her head before leaving the room slightly unsure, wondering if she should stay and help him look through it all. But it felt to her that her father needed the peace to do it all himself. That he needed to be alone with his thoughts while taking in all the new information he would be handed. How she hoped that there was something they could do to help the She-Elf. She had not talked to her a lot but she noticed the care her father held for her. She noticed the change within him and she did not want it to dissapear again. She wanted her father to be happy again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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