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"Their beauty is unbelievable. None of the stories can capture it perfectly."Lady Galadriel said as she looked at the She-Elf that laid onto the bed with Lord Elrond standing next to her. "Some of them survived the Dark Ages and started to live somewhere else but they were found again."She added. "She is the last one of her kin and it seems like they believed she would be safe here."The Lady of Light said stepping closer to the bed stroking a strand of hair out of the face of the She-Elf who had more colour on her face already. "This one is known as Firefly or for us as Phoebe."She explained. "Shining One."Lord Elrond muttered. "Indeed."Lady Galadriel said with a smile. "It's seems that she was destined to come here but why is something unknown."

Her eyes carefully fluttered open adjusting to the light that filled the room as she turned around on the bed.
Bed? She quickly shot up confused.
Where was She?
"Felicity!"She called out crawling out off the bed almost falling out of it as she stared down at myself, at the simple nightrobe she was wearing before slipping a gown over it that was draped over a chair before leaving the room walking bare foot around this strange place. "Felicity!"She  called out again to hear her in the distance calling back at her causing her to go quicker and quicker down the stairs.
She had no idea how she ended up here and neither could she recall anything of what happened before. It confused her deeply but all she now wished was to wrap her arms around Felicity and feel how she would calm her down. She looked up just in time to see someone round a corner but not on time for her to stop as she collided with the person as they fell onto the ground. "It seems like you're awake."The Elf said with a friendly smile looking up at her as she laid on top of him. "I do not know you."She whispered softly studying his face as she reached out tracing a finger over his face without realizing it as he stared at her slightly schocked as a weird tingling left her fingers, sending shivers down his spine. "I'm Lord Elrond, Lord of Imladris or known in Common Tongue as Rivendell."He said back causing her to quickly crawl of him in schock. "I'm so sorry, my lord."She whispered with a small bow as he chuckled at that, standing up. "It's quite alright, my dear. What is your name if I may ask?"He asked back as she looked up meeting his kind grey eyes. "Phoebe, to my folk I'm known as.."She stopped mid sentence suddenly. "Mother."She whispered running away from him down to from where the noises came that Felicity was making as she came by the stables throwing the doors open finding her in a box with Elves trying to keep her inside.
"Leave."A voice commanded causing the Elves to quickly leave as Lord Elrond stood in the doorway a court nod at her before he closed the door giving her the much needed privacy. "They died, didn't they?"

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