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"Left foot first."He instructed, dodging the sword she was holding easily as she stood unsure on her feet with a heavy sword in her hands, wondering how he could use it that easily because now she could only feel the difficulty of it. He seemed to be so, magical when he was fighting to her while she felt like a mess. "You're thinking too much, my dear."He said, blocking the sword with his, raising an eyebrow at her. "What's on your mind?"He asked as she dropped the sword with a sigh. "I do not understand how you do this so smoothly."She answered, sitting down in the grass, almost like she was pouting which she was not.Yet.

"You just need to practise a lot."He explained with a smile, debating what to do next before he sat down next to her in the grass which for sure would be an uncommon sight for the other Elves of Imladris to see their lord sitting in the grass. "You mean more than a lot for sure."She muttered under her breath before standing up. "I did not say that."He said back with a smile, finding amusement in these little things as he also rose to his feet, wiping off the grass as she did the same. "Turn around for a moment, please."She said, making a gesture at him to turn which he did as he felt how she wiped something on the back off his legs. "You had some grass there, my lord."She explained with a smile. "You can call me Elrond."He said, taking her arm in his, leading her back, nodding his head as Lindir past them, looking curious at the pair, quite a strange sight to see their lord having a genuine smile on his face, not that he did not wish his lord to be happy. He honestly was glad with their guest as she seemed to fill Lord Elrond's days, keeping him from locking himself in his study. "Is there something, Lindir?"He asked when the gaze of the Elf stayed for a little longer on them. "I was just thinking, my lord."Lindir answered with a quick bow as a chuckle left Phoebe's lips. "You shouldn't think that much, my friend."She spoke kindly, her hand resting on Elrond's arm whose gaze was focused on the She-Elf at his side. "Live a little."She added with a wink before walking further. "You seem much more on ease, my little fire."Lord Elrond spoke softly, the nickname leaving his lips smoothly as her eyes shot up at that.
My little fire...
It soothed her and she didn't mind it all, not coming from his lips. It was better than seeing him at a loss of which name he should call her; Firefly or Phoebe...

"I feel accepted here, Elrond."She explained with a smile, remembering how her first weeks had been like here, how she wouldn't leave the quarters assigned to her. "It would be difficult not to accept you, my little fire. You're very loved here already and everyone speaks highly about you."He said back stopping once they reached her quarters. "I wanted to tell you that I'll be leaving tomorrow for important bussiness."He said next, carefully choosing his words. "How long will you be gone?"She asked softly, the idea of having to spend weeks without him, gave her a strange feeling. "I don't think a month, perhaps two weeks or less."He answered with a small smile. "I'll be back before you notice I'm gone."He added with a bow as he unhooked their arms. "I will notice straight away when you're gone, my lord."She said back, her eyes focused on the floor for a moment to only have him lift her chin up to meet his. "I'll try my hardest to return as fast as I can, my little fire."He whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead before retreating to his quarters. 

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