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"Et circumstans nos ignis, fumus celat nobis. Urere flammis transeuntes."She whispered, hands resting on  the ground as heat left her body by saying the simple incanations which she learnt from a young age, to keep safe her kin. Now she was trying to keep safe those who kept her safe. She did not know how else to do so than to simply mutter those charms that left her lips smoothly, spoken dozens of time. "Qui habet praesidio conserva."She ended not hearing footsteps approach her before his hand rested on her shoulder pulling her back as her eyes shot up finding kind eyes staring at her with questions laying in them. "What are you doing, my dear?"He asked carefully as she rose from her position, rubbing some dust of her knees. "I tried to help you, my lord."She said with a soft bow, laying a hand on her chest like Lindir explained, making a soft bow. "You didn't have to."He said back, not that he minded her aid. In fact it helped them quite a lot as his guards weren't with that many till those who accompanied his daughter to Lorien would return. "What did you do?"He asked, finally letting the curiousity get to him, holding out his arm for her. "I casted a protection charm on your borders, my lord. One my parents taught me when I young, it kept us safe for centuries."She explained with a soft smile, thinking back about her parents, those she lost and couldn't even help. 

"I appreciate your help, Phoebe."He said with a small bow, feeling how her hand rested on his arm as he led her away from the borders to the gardens. "Does it take much of your energy?"He asked softly, a smile on his face as he stopped by a bench, taking a seat on it with her next to him. "A bit."She answered honestly. "But once someone tries to pass them, it will take more energy from me as it are my powers who will stop them from passing. Normally we casted it with all the members of the Fire Council, sharing our powers and strenght with one another."She explained, looking at the river flowing through the gardens casting a peaceful atmosphere around them. "It's more powerful that way but now it has to do with just me."She added, a sad expression gracing her face as his hand rested on her leg. "I thank you for your help, Phoebe."He said softly, a smile on his features, meeting her light brown eyes. "There is something I wanted to ask you, my lord."She said carefully, choosing her words wisely as he watched her with intrest, intrest in what her request would be. "Would you teach me to fight?"She asked softly, uncertainity visible in her eyes. "I learnt to protect myself with magic but magic is not always the answer."She added as an explanation, hoping he would help her. "I could ask one of my guards to teach you."He suggested as she quickly shook her head at that, laying a hand on his leg. "I wondered if you would teach me, I heard that you are a great fighter."She interjected as he only raised an eyebrow at that. "You heard about my fighting skills?"He asked curious. "You also heard about me, my lord. Makes it even, don't you think?"She asked looking in his grey eyes. "I believe you're right in that."He answered with a smile. "And I would love to teach you how to fight, my dear."

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