Celestia's gift

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When Rose woke up the next day she felt incredibly at ease. As she looked over at the gift card from Fluttershy she heard a knock on the door. A little annoyed that somepony was here so early she went to see who it was.

Upon looking through the peek hole in the door she was surprised to see that her guest was none other than princess Celestia by herself.

Rose opens and says while bowing "please come in your highness."

As Celestia walks into the room and seeing how nervous Rose is says "At ease Rose. My sister Luna and i talked yesterday about your ability to see the future and have heard of what you saw from Twilight. If you succeed you will become an alicorn. To prepare you for alicornhood i have brought you a gift. It is a book that has helped me be true,." As soon as Celestia finished talking she pulled out a book with the first ever alicorn on it and hoofs it to Rose.

Rose after taking the book reads out loud "The role of alicorns through out history." Rose turning bright pink looks at Celestia and says" your highness I'm sorry but i can't accept such a great gift from you. After all this book is ancient and though you may think I'm worthy I'm afraid that i don't. I'm sorry your highness,." As Rose finished saying her piece she tries to hoof the book back to Celestia.

Celestia seeing the fear in her personal student's eyes says "Rose my dear do you know why i want you to have the book." After receiving a shake from Rose she continues to say " It is because Luna, Cadence,Twilight and myself all believe that you will be the greatest alicorn ever."

Rose stunned by what Celestia had just said asks "No offense your highness but what the buck do you mean by the greatest alicorn ever? Also what do you mean that the greatest Mare i have ever known and that i love with all my heart and soul thinks i can be a better princess than her? I mean yeah i could never hate anyone and even though i was born a pegasus and am now a unicorn I am great at magic but so what."

Celestia noticing the panic in Rose's voice says in a calm and caring voice " Rose my dear i need you to calm down. You are starting to panic. Rose the reason Luna, Cadence, Twilight and myself believe that you will be the greatest alicorn ever is because you possess all the love of the princess of love, all the protections and protectiveness of the princess of the moon, Being able to make friends with anypony like your marefriend and last of all the caring and instincts of myself. In other words you possess all our strengths and none of our weaknesses."

Rose after listening to Celestia's words calms down and says " Okay i accept your gift your highness. Just know that I don't believe myself to be that strong,." As Rose finished talking she saw the time and was shocked to see she only had ten minutes to her appointment with Fluttershy.

When Rose noticed the time she says in a kind voice " I'm sorry your highness but i must get ready for my appointment with Fluttershy. I hope you understand."

Celestia chuckling says " Of course i understand Rose. I hope you have a wonderful day." Once Celestia was finished talking there was a flash of light and she was gone.

Rose realizing that Celestia had just teleported ran upstairs and put on a light pink dress with dark pink roses embroidered on it. Then teleported to walking distance of Fluttershy's cottage.

As Rose started walking to her appointment she thought about what Celestia said and how she felt Celestia wanted it to be kept a secret.

Rose was so deep in thought she didn't notice Fluttershy approach her. Because she didn't notice Fluttershy telling her to go around she walked right into Fluttershy making her come to her senses.

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