battle alternate ending

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Over the next two years, Rose and Twilight trained like nopony ever has before. While at the same time taking care of their children. Finally the day they were preparing for arrived. Rose and Twilight woke up, showered and spent time with their children before dropping them off at Rarities. After saying goodbye Twilight and Rose teleport to Canterlot to face their destiny.

Upon arriving they see Kailomar standing in front of them with a smile on his face. Rose and Twilight not wanting anypony to be in danger look the creature in the eyes. Rose upon looking their enemy in the eyes said in a calm tone of voice "If you will follow us we will take you to a place where we can fight without worry." After receiving a nod from Kailomar Rose and Twilight cast a dimensional creation spell.

Once the spell was complete all three went through the portal. Upon entering the dimension Twilight turns to Kailomar and said "now we can fight without holding back. there is no life in this dimension so we won't endanger others. Are you ready Kailomar?"

Kailomar looks at the two princesses and said in a deep evil tone " Of course I am Miss Twilight Rose. I have been hiding in the darkness gaining the strength I needed to take over Equestria. Now that I am all-powerful nopony can stop me. Let's finish this once and for all my mortal enemy the Seer. that's right Miss Morning Rose your ability to foretell the future by the magic aura of others proves that you are the reincarnation of my ancient foe called the Seer."

"I don't care what you say Kailomar. I may be the reincarnation of your ancient enemy or I might not. I don't give a bucking bit about what you think all I care about is protecting my citizens and my friends. Let's begin the fight no more talking Kailomar." said Rose with a glare.

Everypony separated about two hundred paces and they began the fight. Kailomar casts psychological mind destruction spell on Twilight. However, Twilight's instincts of training with her brother caused her to cast a reflection spell bouncing the spell back at Kailomar who dissolved the spell. Kailomar was shocked that Twilight was able to reflect his spell.

Rose taking her chance to strike at Kailomar while he was shocked. Rose charged at Kailomar while casting on herself an invisibility and silencing spell. Rose was halfway to Kailomar when her spells took effect and she vanished from Kailomar's sight and hearing. Rose having successfully vanished sneaks up behind Kailomar and casts a summoning spell to summon an ancient sword that can cut through any barriers. Once the sword appears in front of her she takes it in her magic and slashes at Kailomar's back.

Kailomar feels an incredible pain in his back as it is cut open. He swings his claw in the air knocking Rose's sword away and removing the spells from her causing her to become visible. Once Rose reappeared in front of him he summons his own sword. Kailomar noticing that Rose is shocked that he removed her spells takes his sword and cuts Rose's rear hooves off. Kailomar chuckling looked Rose in the eyes and said "this is the end, my old enemy. I hope you find happiness in the next world." as soon as he finished talking he brought his sword down to where Rose's heart is and pushed. However, he is stopped when Twilight appears on top of Rose and takes the blow to her heart-saving Rose.

The moment Rose saw Twilight dead in front of her an ancient seal on her soul unlocks and Rose casts an unknown summoning spell. Once the spell is complete standing before her is an alicorn with a blue mane with stars in it and a cutie mark that appeared to be similar to Princess Luna's. Rose not knowing what happened looked to the pony and said "I don't know who you are Miss or what just happened. However, I beg of you please save my wife Princess Twilight while I take out the monster who hurt her." As soon as she finished talking Rose cast a summoning spell to summon her friends. Once her friends were there they all charge at Kailomar. Kailomar was so busy fighting Roses friends he didn't notice when Rose snuck up behind him and cut off his head.

Rose and her friends go over to where the mysterious pony was and ask "Is she alright? Also, I don't mean to be rude but who are you and do you know what happened."

The mysterious pony looks over to Rose and said " My Name is Lucky Rose and I'm Luna's daughter from an alternate dimension. There I raised the moon in place of my mother and practiced all types of healing magic. Twilight is going to be fine. As a matter of fact, she is going to wake up right now and now that my job here is done I'm going to leave goodbye Morning Rose." As Lucky finished speaking Twilight woke up.

Twilight noticing the battle was over removed the dimensional spell and headed home with her wife and friends. As soon as they reach their house they knew they were going to be happy forever with their children knowing they had defied destiny once and for all.

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