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Six days passed and Rose was nervously pacing in her living room. Twilight was sitting on the couch watching Rose. After Rose's 150th pass Twilight said,"Rose, why are you so nervous?"

Rose looked at Twilight with eyes that screamed incredulity. After taking a calming stance Rose said, "I'm nervous because in exactly twelve hours I'm going to be crowned High Princess of Equestria. On top of that I don't know how to lead a country. What if I mess up and we go to war?"

Twilight chuckled. "Rose, you are being silly. Though I understand your worries for I have had the same. However keep in mind that Celestia, Luna, Emerald and myself will be there. You will only be needed to rule in certain situations. Otherwise you can do what you like."

Rose's nervousness flew out the window at Twilight's words. Rose went over to Twilight and gave her a kiss. Once the kiss was over Rose said, "Thank you my TwiTwi. You always know exactly what to say to calm me down."

"Of course dear. Anyways how about we start getting ready . After all you are only coronated once," said Twilight, looking excited.

Over the next five hours Rose went to Carousel Boutique, Sweet Apple Acres, Rose's family house, and finally Canterlot Castle. As Rose approached the castle with Twilight by her side she saw Gleaming Shield approach with an excited look on her face.

Gleaming said,"Your highnesses, Princess Celestia request your presence in her room immediately. On a side note congratulations on becoming High Princess Rose."

Rose and Twilight walked towards Celestia's room. As Rose and Twilight approach the room the two day guards opened the doors to allow the two royals to enter. As soon as Rose and Twilight were in the room they saw Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor and Emerald standing in a line with a worried expressions on their faces.

Rose being the first to see the looks asked,"What's wrong everypony? You look like you have seen a ghost. Did I do something wrong?"

Celestia looks at Rose and answers "No Rose, You haven't done anything wrong. It's just earlier today I received a letter from somepony claiming to be the new leader of The Destroyers of Equestria. He said unless I cancel your coronation and banish you he will kill you during the coronation. Along with Twilight, Emerald. and your brother. We were discussing whether or not to do as he says and as of now we are divided."

Celestia took a breath to regain her composure. " Two of our members think we should banish you. The rest of us think the decision should be up to you. According to an ancient law when a situation like this occurs we must leave the decision up to the High Princess. So what do you say?"

Rose thought about this before she answered. "If it means keeping my true love and all those I care about safe then I choose-"

Before Rose could finish Twilight said,"Rose, I have an idea and there is a high chance it will work. You see if he follows through with what he wrote in the letter the leader himself will try to kill Rose at the coronation. So what I think we should do is have Rose go through with the coronation. Meanwhile I will cast a telepathy spell on us before we leave. That way if we see something strange all of us will know."

Twilight waited a few minutes so everypony could absorb what she said. Once everypony nodded in understanding.

Twilight continued," Once he makes his move all three of you will step in and arrest him." She pointed at Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadance.

Rose thought about Twilight's plan, not seeing any major flaws in the plan Rose looked at everypony and said,"I say we go with Twilight's plan. If we all work together we should be able to stop who ever tries to kill me."

Everypony in the room nodded their assent. Once everypony agreed Twilight cast a telepathy spell on everypony before they left to get ready for the coronation.

Over the next two hours Rose was with Rarity getting her hooves done, her hair down, having a massage to relax her muscles and finally putting on the coronation dress Rarity made for her.

The dress itself was a light sky blue silk, with a six pointed star that looked exactly like Twilight's cutie mark except for inside the star was Rose's cutie mark. It also had pink diamonds sewn into it in a heart surrounding the cutie marks.

As soon as Rarity took her place in line the music signalling a new princess is about to be crowned began playing.

Rose approached Celestia.

Celestia smiled. "Today we are here to crown not one but two new princesses. The first is my daughter Emerald Celestia Star formerly Emerald Script. Do you Emerald swear to protect all who live in Equestria?"

Emerald stepped forward and said,"I Emerald swear to thee and all who live in Equestria that I shall protect all those I can."

Celestia proudly said, "Then I declare thee to be the Princess of Truths. May you forever walk the path of light." As Celestia finished she placed a crown with a emerald of purest green on Emeralds head.

Emerald took her spot by her mother.

Once Emerald was in her spot Celestia turned to the assembled ponies and said,"This next coronation is even more special. Because for the first time since Equestria was founded we are to crown our first High Princess. Her name is Morning Rose and she is my granddaughter. She has the strongest alicorn magic in existence and a very unique ability that only a High Prince or Princess can acquire."

Everypony in the room was shocked except for Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood who was wearing a dagger on his side.

Celestia spotted the dagger. Keep a close eye on Blueblood for the symbol he carries signals he is the leader. She telepathically communicated to the others.

All the others mentally acknowledged Celestia's message as Celestia continued, "Rose, my dearest granddaughter will you help all those who need your help?"

Unbeknownst to Celestia, Rose had cast a enhanced hearing spell on herself. Rose stepped forward and proudly said,"I Morning Rose swear to protect all those who need my help. Should one day I need to sacrifice my life I will gladly do it to save others."

As Celestia was about to lay a crown with a rose embedded with the most beautiful and pure diamonds upon Rose's head Prince Blueblood charged at Rose. Blueblood took out his knife when he was a foot away from Rose.

Rose upon hearing Blueblood take out the knife cast a shield spell around herself. Once the shield was in place Rose turned around just in time to see Shining Armor disarm Prince Blueblood.

Celestia walked forward to Prince Blueblood who was being cuffed and having a anti magic ring placed on his horn and sadly said,"Prince Blueblood for attempting to murder a fellow royal who is also High Princess I am sadly forced to sentence you to death."

Rose said, "Wait just a moment grandmother. I have something to say to everypony. I also don't want anypony to die."

Rose looked out to everypony and said, "I know most everypony here thinks what he did is unforgivable. However I believe that everypony has a chance to change who they are. So I propose that Prince Blueblood is to be stripped of his title, all but a hundred bits and all his land. What say you fellow royals?"

Everypony said in unison,"We the royals of Equestria agree with your decision. We honestly don't want to see anypony die."

Rose turned to Gleaming Shield and said,"Miss Gleaming Shield can you please escort Mister Blueblood to his home so he can pack his clothes, paperwork and give him a hundred bits? After you give him the bits have two guards watch the house for a month to ensure he doesn't come back."

Gleaming bowed to Rose and said,"As you wish High Princess." Once Gleaming finished talking she escorted Blueblood out of the room.

As soon as the doors closed Celestia said,"Now that that is out of the way let's continue. I hereby crown thee High Princess. Congratulations my granddaughter. I am so proud of you." Once Celestia finished talking she placed the crown on Rose's head as everypony yelled their approval.

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