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Over the next eleven months, Rose and Twilight got the nursery for their foals ready. They had help with the designs and decorating from their friends. Rose was busy snuggling with Twilight when both her and Twilight's water broke. Rose noticing this yelled "Rarity, Spike its time. The foals are on their way. Both our waters just broke."

Rarity and Spike came in and rushed them to the hospital. The next hour and a half were a living Tartarus of pain for the couple. While the doctors and nurses worked to deliver the foals Rarity went to get the rest of their friends. Rose was the first to deliver. As soon as the foal was delivered the doctor handed the foal to Rose and said: " Congratulations miss Rose it's a colt."

Rose takes the foal and upon seeing the runes on the foals horn and seeing the pure white coat and icy blue eyes said "welcome to the world my little Icy Mist. I love you and will always love you my colt." Rose then handed the foal to the nurse and fell asleep.

The moment Rose fell asleep Twilight finished giving birth to their daughter. As soon as the doctor handed the filly to Twilight she noticed there were unusual Runes on the fillies horn. Twilight seeing that the filly had her mane and coat but Rose's eyes said " Welcome to the world of Equestria my darling Twilight Rose. I love you and always will. Though one day we may part know I will always be in your heart." she then handed the filly to a nurse and fell asleep.

When Rose woke up she looked to her right and saw Twilight was awake and nursing their daughter. Once Rose looked around a nurse brought her colt in so she could nurse him. As soon as Rose started to feed her son their friends come in.

Fluttershy being the first to speak said "Rose is this the colt you had? He is so adorable.Wait a minute I have never seen a unicorn with runes on their horn. Do you know what they mean?"

Rose looked at all her friends and said "No I don't. As far as I know, no unicorn has ever been born like this. I'm a little worried about her but what can I do. I just know she will be happy and healthy. After all, she is my daughter and I will ensure she has a happy life."

"That is so weird because Twilight Rose also has runes on her horn. I wonder if it is because of their destiny. After all, Starswirl said they would be important and powerful. Maybe the runes are to enhance their ability to use magic. But then again that doesn't make sense. Once I recover I plan to look into it." said Twilight looking at Twilight Rose.

As Twilight finished talking Celestia walked in and said "There is no reason to worry everypony. The runes on the horn have two uses. The first is to enhance their sense of being. Meanwhile the second is to signify that they are of royal blood. Rose, you were born a pegasus so you didn't have a horn. Your mother was born an alicorn and thus had this ability. That is until I cast a spell to remove her horn for her protection. These runes are passed down in our family. Rose, you are the reason your children have the runes. There is nothing to fear though. Mainly because last week Luna and I took out the organization that was endangering our family."

Rose lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding when her grandmother finished talking. Rose looked Celestia in the eyes and said "Thank you, grandma. I needed to know that. By the way, would you like to see the newest members of our family? I'm sure they would like to see you."After receiving a nod from Celestia Rose uses her magic to hoof Icy Mist Rose over as Twilight did the same with Twilight Rose.

Celestia upon seeing the two foals said "Welcome to the family little ones. I will always be here when you need me. You are family and in this world family means everything. I love you, my precious great-granddaughters."

Over the next four days, Twilight and Rose recovered from the ordeal of birth. Their friends visited every day. Until finally they were free to head home. As soon as they got home they put their fillies to bed and started to plan for the battle they were to face in two years time. Twilight and Rose both agreed that Rose should focus on attacking while Twilight would focus on healing. Once they had a plan they contacted Celestia and Luna. Rose and Twilight knew Celestia was once known as the Goddess of Healing for her healing magic were so great she was able to save those who should have died. While Luna was once known as Bloody Midnight Rose for her attacks that claimed a lot of lives to protect Equestria three thousand years ago.

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