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An hour later Rose and the gang were on their way home when Rarity said,"I can't believe that Blueblood tried to murder you darling. Which reminds me how did all the royals know he was going to try to kill you?"

"If I ever see that no good piece of horse manure I'll make him regret it. However I am happy you didn't have him killed," Rainbow Dash said.

Rose not being able to hide the truth from her closest friends after casting a sound proof spell said,"Everypony the truth is early this morning Celestia got a letter from somepony claiming to be the new leader. Basicly the letter said unless they canceled my coronation and banished me from Equestria they would kill me, Twilight, my mother, and my brother. I was about to say I would leave Equestria to keep my friends and family safe when Twilight came up with the plan."

Rose waited a minute to let everypony calm down. Once they were Rose continued,"You see the plan was for all the royal family to keep an eye out for anything strange. So before we left the room my TwiTwi cast a telepathy spell on us all so we could notify the others. However I went an extra step and cast a enhanced hearing spell on myself. I only did that so I could react in time. It was Celestia who recognized the symbol and figured out it was Blueblood. Does anypony have any questions?"

Everypony shook their head no as the train pulled into ponyville. Once the train stopped everypony went their separate ways. Everypony except for Rose and Twilight who walked to Twilight's castle.

Rose noticed that Twilight was deep in thought with a worried look. As they neared the castle Rose asked," What's wrong TwiTwi?"

Twilight turned to Rose. "Rose, you know I love you with all my heart. I was wondering if you would like to move in with me?"

Rose was so happy she shrieked in joy and after calming down said," Yes, yes, yes and yes. I would love to move in with you. I'll give my house to Spike so he can have his own place. I'll see you tomorrow my love."

The next morning Rose woke up to a knock at the door. After getting dressed she went downstairs to answer the door. When rose opened the door she was shocked to see all her friends standing there.

Rose looked at everypony and said,"Hey everypony. How are you and I'm sorry for my language but what the buck are you doing here so early?"

Rarity was the first to speak. "Well darling we are here to help you move. We knew Twilight was going to ask you to move in with her and since we know you so well we knew you were going to say yes. We all agreed to come help you move. By the way what are you going to do with the house?"

Rose said,"Well I want to keep it in the family so i decided to give it to Spike. That way Spike can have his own place to live in case he gets a marefriend. By the way, Rarity, did you know Spike is in love with Sweetie Belle?"

Rarity was stunned by this news and said," No, I wasn't aware of his feelings. But I do know that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are dating. They were trying to keep it secret, but it wasn't working."

Rose was glad to hear about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Rose got serious again. "Well anyway it's time to get to moving. After we are done I'll take us all out to the spa as my thanks."

Over the next four hours Rose and the gang had moved everything into the castle. As Rose and Applejack finished laying the bed down Spike came in and said," Hi Rose.Twilight said you had something important to ask me. So I came right away."

Rose turned to Spike and said," Yes there is Spike. I was wondering if you would like a house of your own. You see since I'm going to be living here now I have no use for my house. However I want to keep it in the family so I decided to give it to you."

Spike's tail twitched like a puppy who was just given a big juicy bone. "I was planning to move out someday anyway. So I'll accept this most awesome gift. Thank you mom. Sorry I didn't mean to call you that, Rose."

Rose just chuckled and said,"It's fine son. We may not be related biologically but I have always seen you as my son. The title for the house is already signed over and is in the Ponyville Bank. So enjoy. The girls and I will see you later."

With those final words everypony went to enjoy the spa. Once they were done they all went home to their families. As Rose was heading home she saw the most beautiful sunset ever. Upon seeing the sunset Rose knew this was the true beginning of her life.

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